Response to the following problem:
The discrete sequence
rk = √εck + nk, k = 1,2,....,n
represents the output sequence of samples from a demodulator, where ck = ±1 are elements of one of two possible code words, c1 = [1 1 ··· 1] and c2 = [1 1 ··· 1 -1 ··· -1]. The code word c2 has w elements that are +1 and n - w elements that are -1, where w is some positive integer. The noise sequence {nk} is white Gaussian with variance σ2.
1. What is the optimum maximum-likelihood detector for the two possible transmitted signals?
2. Determine the probability of error as a function of the parameters (σ2, E, w).
3. What is the value of w that minimizes the error?