
What is the optimal transferprice at which the production


The production division(p) of the Portland Electronics Company ("PEC") manufactures speakers that it sells internally to the marketing division (m), which promotes and distributes the speakers to the end customers. Assume that there is no external market for the speakers that are manufactured by the production division. The marketing division's market demand for the speakers in the end customer segment is:

Pm = 100 - 0.001Qm

Where Pm is the selling price (in dollars per unit) and Qm is the quantitysold (in units). The marketing division's total cost function(in dollars) is (excluding the price of speakers that it buys from the production division):

Cm = 300,000 + 10Qm

The production division's total cost function (in dollars) is:

CP = 500,000 + 15QP + 0.0005 QP2

Where QP is the total quantitysold and produced.

What is the optimal transferprice at which the production division sells the speakers to the marketing division so that the overall profits for PEC is maximized?

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Microeconomics: What is the optimal transferprice at which the production
Reference No:- TGS03236176

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