
What is the only holiday that jehovahs witnesses celebrate


Part 1: Holidays

Assignment Purpose: The United States is rich with diversity, which is reflected in the observances celebrated by its various cultures and populations. Knowledge of the following diverse holidays and celebrations can enhance workplace and inclusion efforts. Please complete the chart answering these points - Religion/Ethnicity/Race, Date of the Celebration and Brief Purpose of the Celebration.

1. Mardi Gras
2. Ash Wednesday
3. Lent
4. St. Patrick's Day
5. Palm Sunday
6. Good Friday
7. Easter
8. Passover
9. Vesak (Wesak)
10. Cinco de Mayo
11. Ramadan
12. Yom Kippur
13. Dia de los Muertos "Day of the Dead"
14. Kwanzaa
15. Diwali
16. Hanukkah
17. Corpus Christi
18. Chinese New Year
19. Nirvana Day
20. Spring Equinox
21. Rosh Hashanah
22. Ridvan
23. What is the only holiday that Jehovah's Witnesses celebrate?


Assignment: Select three (3)of the following religions: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto, Baha'i, Jainism, Sikhism, Zorastrianism, or Paganism. However, you may not choose a religion in which you practice, and your instructor must approve your choice.

Religious Comparisons

Where did the selected religion originate?
What are the followers of this religion called?
What is the sacred text of this religion?
What is the house of worship called for this religion?
What is the main day of worship for this religion?
Who is the founder of this religion?
Who are the revered humans of this religion?
What is the identity of Jesus in this religion?
How does the religion characterize human nature?
What is the means of salvation in this religion?
What are the holy days/holidays in this religion?
What is the main purpose or goal of this religion?
What is the symbol of this religion?

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Dissertation: What is the only holiday that jehovahs witnesses celebrate
Reference No:- TGS02631516

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