What is the old man supposed to represent


According to The Pardoner's Tale, pp. 408 - 19

Part A: (3 sentences)

a) What is ironic about how the Pardoner gets people to repent from the sin of avarice?

b) What do the three rioters set out to do?

c) What is the old man supposed to represent? What are some textual clues that support this idea?

d) What are the men supposed to find under the tree? What do they literally find? How are these two "things" related?

e) What is the Pardoner's purpose in telling this story to the other pilgrims? How does he tie this together at the end?

f) The Pardoner says that the theme of his story is "the love of money is the root of all evil". What other themes do we see?

Part B:

a) Which line (or lines) from The Pardoner's Prologue most represent who he is? (7-8 sentences).

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