
What is the official website of texas economic development

Employment Law Scavenger Hunt

The employer/employee relationship is at the heart of business. For employers, it is essential to understand the scope and breadth of laws related to that relationship and to be able to find basic information to use prior to consulting experts.

1. The Society for Human Resource Managers (SHRM) is the major national professional association for human resource professionals.
a. Provide a screen shot of their home page.
b. Where is the annual conference being held this year and when? Provide a screen shot of information.
c. Does SHRM have a student membership category? If so provide screen shop showing the membership fee.
d. Provide a screen shot of Resources and Tools.

2. Find the U.S. Department of Labor Website.
a. Provide a screen shot of the DOL home page.
b. How many agencies have links from that website? Provide screen shot.
c. What is the OIG? Provide screen shot of OIG webpage.

3. Find the National Labor Relations Board Website.
a. Provide a screen shot of the NLRB home page.
b. Provide a screen shot of the NLRB Organization Chart. Who is the General Counsel?
c. Does the NLRB have a Mobile App? If so, provide screen shot of page with information.

4. Find the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission website.
a. Provide a screen shot of the EEOC home page.
c. Provide a screen shot of the first page that opens under "Laws, Regulations, Guidance & MOU's".
d. Provide a screen shot of the first page of the Small Business Resource Center.

5. Find the Texas Workforce Commission website.
a. Provide a screen shot of the Texas Workforce Commission home page.
b. What is the title of the site that provides a place for employers to post job openings and for persons seeking employment to register and to look for jobs? Provide a screen shot.
c. What is the official website of Texas Economic Development? Provide Screen shot.

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Dissertation: What is the official website of texas economic development
Reference No:- TGS02420527

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