
What is the nurse priority care for the patient

Assignment task:

77 years old woman with recently diagnosed Crohn's disease, CAD, HLD, and migraines, she was initially admitted to the hospital on 11/19/2022 to manage perforated gastric ulcer and BLE Dvts.ABLA has complicated her admission (while on heparin gtt) and acute metabolic encephalopathy (likely delirium).s/p emergent Graham patch on 11/19/22. Sp IVC filter: changed to Eliquis.The patient was recovering at the Advanced Care Center of Aurora  SNF but had to be rehospitalized for melanic stools and C diff colitis. Diff colitis. She returned and resumed subacute rehabilitation at the Advanced Care Center of Aurora SNF but had to be sent back to the hospital with BRB and ABLA 2/2 severe Crohn's disease flare. After returning to the SNF, the patient completed her tx for C. Diff colitis with PO Vanco. However, the patient had to be readmitted to the hospital with acute abdominal pain - this time for SBO 2/2 adhesions. Underwent ex lap w/ resolution of SBO, but developed c. diff/ now completion of vancomycin.

The patient is now transferred back to the SNF facility for rehabilitation. The patient is comfortable and denies pain, HA, Dizziness, Fever, Chills, N/V, CP, Palpitations, sputum production, Cough, Pleutric pain, abdominal pain, urination pain, blood in urine, or new focal weakness.

Past Medical History: Migraines, HLD, GERD, CAD, CHF, Urinary retention/sp Foley catch, Crohn's disease, Gastric ulcer, GI bleeds due to Crohn's disease

1. What is the nurse's priority care for the patient to make the best outcome?

2.  What three things are will the nurse concerned about?

3. What can the nurse do to give her better care?

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Other Subject: What is the nurse priority care for the patient
Reference No:- TGS03321204

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