
What is the null hypothesis for your stroop investigation


Stroop investigation you were asked to formulate two hypothesis statements which should contain information about the dependent variable, the independent variable and an indication of the nature of the difference (if any) being predicted between the conditions of the independent variable.

There were three dependent variables generated in the Stroop investigation, but your hypothesis statements should feature only one of these.

I. What is the null hypothesis for your Stroop investigation?

II. What is the experimental hypothesis for your Stroop investigation?

III. Is your experimental hypothesis unidirectional or bidirectional?

IV. Briefly explain why you have selected the experimental hypothesis you have (i.e. why have you chosen a unidirectional or a bidirectional hypothesis). Your explanation should include a scientific rationale and/or feature the evidence (e.g. neurobiological or psychological evidence) upon which you have based your decision.

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