
What is the null and alternate hypothesis

Part I: Sex ratios under different rearing temperatures

The sex ratio of some insects depends on the temperature at which they are raised.An experiment will be conducted where infested pods from canola plants are placed in a total of 12 cages. A number of parasitoids1are then introduced into each cage. The individual cages are kept at three different temperatures.

The parasitoids lay eggs. These eggs hatch and turn into larvae which eventually turn into adults. The final adults are sexed. We are interested in the effect of the temperature of the cage on the sex ratio of the adult parsitoids. Some output is present at the end of the exam.

1. Draw a picture of the experimental layout and describe the treatment structure, the experimental units, the observational units, and the randomization structures.

2. A student starts with an analysis of data from cages 1-3. What is the null and alternate hypothesis and your conclusion.

3. Draw a suitable graphical display based on the data from cages 1-3. Certain types of displays that start with the letter p will earn you "negative marks".

4. The student (who has NOT taken Stat403/ 650/ 890 ) submits the results from an analysis of cages 1-3 to the supervisory committee. Unfortunately, the supervisory committee includes a certain faculty member. The response from this faculty member is "Read Hurlbert (1984)". Explain.

5. The student (who still hasn't taken Stat403/ 650/ 890) then analyzes all of the data from all 12 cages together. The response from the certain faculty member is again "Read Hurlbert (1984)". Explain.

6. Suggest a way to properly analyze all of the data from this experiment. Be sure to give enough details that this student can run the analysis, i.e. you need to convince a certain faculty member that you know what you are doing!

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Other Subject: What is the null and alternate hypothesis
Reference No:- TGS0546367

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