
What is the nj state standards from mathematics


The potential for technology to help foster student's creativity and higher-order thinking skills receives special emphasis from the International Society for Technology in Education (I.S.T.E.) (https://www.iste.org/welcome.aspx). Consider what you know about being creative. How do students demonstrate creative thinking in mathematics?

Can technology be used to master national or state content standards? What is the nj state standards from mathematics and select one of the standards. (If you are not sure how to find this information, you should be able to locate the standards on your state's Department of Education website. Please see the Iowa Standards, Benchmarks, and Grade Level Indicators webpage as an example.)

Define and describe one of the standards in detail and discuss ways technology can support it.

1. Will the use of technology create more effective instruction?

2. Will it foster creativity and higher-order thinking skills?

3. Will the use of technology impact instruction and/or learning in other ways? Why or why not?

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Other Subject: What is the nj state standards from mathematics
Reference No:- TGS01934245

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