
What is the net torque acting on the meter stick how do you

Net torque

1.) What is the net torque acting on the meter stick? How do you know this by looking at the meter stick? Would the net torque just be 0 ?

Center of mass as torque

1.) How did you know where to place the hanger to balance the stick? Explain in detail using torques.

Not really sure how to explain this.

Look at part 4 and part 5 of the chart i did.

Part Counterclockwise Torques
1st Torque 2nd Torque Total Torque
F (N) r (m) t (N/m) F (N) r (m) t (N/m)
3 0.7007 0.284 0.1989


5 1.681 0.39 0.65559

6 1.33672 0.25 0.33418



Clockwise Torque

% Diff
1st Torque 2nd Torque Total Torque
F r t (torque) F r t
0.7007 0.283 -0.1983

-0.1983 0.30%
1.681 0.084 0.1412

2.1707 0.3 0.65121

0.65121 0.67%
2.1707 0.09 0.195363 0.8967 0.173 0.155129 0.350492 4.88%

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Physics: What is the net torque acting on the meter stick how do you
Reference No:- TGS01350642

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