
What is the net requirement for caramel turtles to fill

Cupid Cutie has just received an order for 500 Valentine's gift baskets, which must be ready for delivery at the start of week 5. An MRP planner has prepared the following table showing product structure, lead times (orders are lot-for-lot), and quantities on hand:

Deluxe Gift Basket                              Lead Time            On-Hand

Deluxe Gift Basket                                1 week                     7

Caramel Turtles (4 per)                        2 weeks                  10

Chocolate Strawberries (6 per)             1 week                     0

What is the net requirement for Caramel Turtles to fill this order?

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Other Subject: What is the net requirement for caramel turtles to fill
Reference No:- TGS02847711

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