What is the net impact o blck lio companys year 1 net

Use the following information for problems 9 d 10: O November 1, Yer 1, Blck Lio Company forecasts the purchase of raw materials from  Argentinian supplier o February 1, Yer 2, t  price of 200,000 Argentinian pesos. O November 1, Yer 1, Blck Lio pays $1,200 for  three-moth call option o 200,000 Argentinian pesos with  strike price of $0.35 per peso. The option is properly designated  cash flow hedge of  foretasted foreign currency trisection. O December 31, Yer 1, the option has  fir value of $900.

The following spot exchange rates apply:

Date U.S. Dollar per Argentinian Peso
November 1, Year 1 . . . . . . . . . $0.35
December 31, Year 1 . . . . . . . . $0.30
February 1, Year 2 . . . . . . . . . . $0.36

1. What is the net impact o Blck Lio Company's Year 1 net income s  result of this hedge of  forested foreign currency purchase? 

a. $0.
b.  $200 increase in net income.
c.  $300 decrease in net income. 
d.  $800 decrease in net income.

2. What is the net impact o Blck Lio Company's Year 2 net income s  result of this hedge of  forecast foreign currency purchase? assume that the raw materials re consumed d become  part of cost of goods sold i Year 2.

a.  $70,000 decrease in net income.
b.  $70,900 decrease in net income. 
c.  $71,100 decrease in net income. 
d.  $72,900 decrease in net income.

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Managerial Accounting: What is the net impact o blck lio companys year 1 net
Reference No:- TGS01279366

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