
What is the nature-scope of alcohol or drug abuse problem

Question 1: Quita

What is the nature and scope of the alcohol and/or drug abuse problem in the United States today? For example, is this problem more significant today than it was in the past? Include current data (no more than 36 months old) and the reference to support whether rates have decreased or increased over time.

Question 2: This week, you will be identifying and analyzing a topic that you would consider to be a social problem or main issue in society today.  You are encouraged to select a topic that you have found interesting throughout your Sociology courses and/or a topic that is related to your concentration in the program.  Clearly state the selected topic and briefly discuss why you selected this issue.  Find one peer-reviewed article from the last three years and one popular open web source discussing the topic and briefly summarize the sources.  Applying what you have learned in your courses, analyze the topic and discuss why this is a topic that should be studied in Sociology.

Question 3: Write about your definitions of validity and reliability. Provide an example of how a test may be reliable, yet not valid. Need Online Assistance?

Question 4: Locate a current example from the news, an observation, or other real life experience, that connects to an aspect of stratification discussed in the chapter. How does your current example illustrate whether this type of stratification has remained the same, has improved, or has worsened over time? And, what is the likelihood of this type of stratification improving in the near future?

Question 5:

Topic 1: Wireless Data Transmission

A wireless network functions by the use non-physical media. Wired network use cables (e.g., CAT5 or fiber-optic), while most wireless network communicates using radio waves. Discuss and explain the two types of wireless transmissions

Topic 2: Understanding Radio Frequency Communications

Regardless if we are talking about a cell phone, a cordless phone or any one of the thousands of other wireless technologies, they all use radio waves to communicate. Describes the various of components of a radio system, including filters, mixers, amplifiers, and antennas.

Question 6:

Holidays and weddings can involve a lot of people gathering and dining. As we have been reviewing, increasing service to accommodate a higher number of people can create challenges within production and safety. To explore this type of environment, identify a type of food or preparation technique or food type that is commonly associated with a holiday dinner or wedding reception [custom or tradition] that requires special attention to assure safe handling. Discuss the risks as well as proper handling and possible controls for safe preparation and service. For example, how does stuffing meat, such as a turkey at Thanksgiving affect the possibility of contracting Salmonella?

Continuing in the role of planner or caterer, discuss managerial decisions you would make with regard to beef products on your already determined menu if there was an outbreak of food poisoning or contamination. Would you buy from a different source, use a different quality grade product, or would you eliminate it altogether? What would you do?

If feasible, contact area caterers or event planners to get their perspectives.

Question 7: Research and discuss a disease or disorder (in detail) affecting one or both of the systems (skeletal & muscular systems) we are examining this week. Be sure to begin with the name of disease or disorder - break it down into its component parts. Continue with the symptoms. Finally, how is the disease or disorder treated and what is its prognosis?

Question 8:

1. Are ethical theories relevant for ethical leadership? Explain.

2. How should a police officer respond if the officer witnesses the unethical behavior of another officer?

Question 9: Police Investigation

A man was found murdered, and his wife severely beaten early on a Sunday morning in April 2001. Their trailer park was a community of young adults struggling to get by. The couple were newlyweds, Caucasian, in their early twenties, expecting their first child.  The murder scene looked like a massacre.  The police found the female victim barely conscious, leaning against the wall by the front door where she had struggled to get help but was weak from loss of blood. She had suffered blunt force trauma over her entire body. Her right little finger had been severed from her hand and was later found in a pool of blood.  She had also been raped while her husband lay dying in the bed next to her, also suffering from blunt-force trauma to his torso and head.

The trailer had been ransacked, and various items, including video games, trading cards, and a gaming system, were stolen. They had no money or items of any significant value. Tool marks could be found on the walls, the interior of the front door, the wooden floor of the bedroom where the attack occurred, and on the blades of the ceiling fan still spinning in the bedroom. Blood could be found everywhere in medium velocity spatter, drippings, pooling, trails, and cast-off.  Bloody shoe prints lead out the door and disappear in the dirt outside the back of the trailer.

During the police investigation, a tire iron was found under a trailer near the back of the trailer park. While conducting a neighborhood canvas, detectives learned from residents that a large black male, estimated to be in his thirties, was seen wandering around the trailer park just before the time of the murders. None of the residents recognized him as living in the trailer park or as a guest of anyone who lived there. Detectives also learned that around the time of the murder, three teenage males were observed peeking in one of the trailer's windows.

Question 10:

The internet can be a powerful ally when you are trying to figure out how to solve a problem.

When you select the link to Learning Material for the week of the class, you will see a section labeled Handy Helpers.

The first section in the Handy Helpers takes you to a page with links to videos, math sites, PowerPoints, cheat sheets and other materials that explain the topics covered in that section.

Pick one of the Handy Helpers from either Week 1 or Week 2 that no one else has reported on, select Start a New Conversation, and make the subject the name of the link (for example: YouTube patrickJMT: Finding the Slope of a Line). Then give us a review of the "helper". Include what you like or don't like about it and why you think it may be helpful to others.

Question11: Discuss how Contracting Knowledge areas and Competencies are important to Acquisitions.  Consider how relationships, collaboration, and monitoring have an impact on the acquisition process.

Question 12: There are several types of resume style. Discuss at least three types and determine which you would find most beneficial to you in a job search.

You are welcome to consider the following with your response:

  • Current Employment
  • Seeking New Employment
  • Military or Government Positions
  • Civilian Positions
  • Private Sector or Industry
  • Possibly, even starting your own business

Question 13:  What are hard psychological challenges in HUMINT evolved over time, impacting the past present, and potentially the future of intelligence operations?  Analyze the historical, contemporary, and prospective psychological hurdles faced by HUMINT operatives in eliciting information, building rapport, and navigating cultural or situational complexities.

Question 14: Is there equity in the treatment of incarcerated sexual assault victims? Reflect on equity after reading the following article:

Fedock, G., Cummings, C., Kubiak, S., Bybee, D., Campbell, R., & Darcy, K. (2021). Incarcerated women's experiences of staff-perpetrated rape: Racial disparities and justice gaps in institutional responses. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 0886260519850531.

Question 15:

1.  Discuss and evaluate the effectiveness of the three following patrol methods:  directed, hot-spot, and zero-tolerance.  Additionally, discuss which are more likely to encourage community support of law enforcement efforts.

2.  Discuss the four approaches (Per Capita, Minimum Staffing, Authorized Level, &Work-load Based) to police officer staffing and allocation. In your opinion which one is the most effective and why?

Question 16:

Healthcare technologies can provide an opportunity to improve the quality of the data but does not eliminate them. One of the most important steps in data analytics is to verify that data sources are accurate, in order to produce usable information. Data cleansing is used to identify and correct data discrepancies and inaccurate information - often referred to as "dirty data." Discuss potential causes of dirty data and key strategies that can be used to ensure the consistency of clean data, while using various healthcare technologies.

Question 17:

In what ways could Acme Medical Center collaborate with other healthcare providers and other entities to provide the product or services in the community?  Provide a detailed example of a healthcare service that could be outsourced to a vendor.

What security concerns and other strategic risks exist in the strategic plan you are developing for Acme Medical Center? Discuss possible solutions to address these concerns and risks.  In your peer responses, provide an alternative solution to those identified by your classmate.

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Other Subject: What is the nature-scope of alcohol or drug abuse problem
Reference No:- TGS03446194

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