What is the nature and scope of the environmental problem

Essay Assignment: Environment & the Challenges of Global Governance

Considering the readings, video presentations, and your own research, draft a quality 6 to 7 pages. research paper on a particular global environmental challenge with at least region-wide if not wider significance. Discuss your selection in accordance with the following prompts, answering in a separate or integrated manner as you wish:

1. Reasoning with clear ideas and examples and using challenges as a backdrop, what is the nature and scope of the environmental problem you selected? What caused the problem and what justifies it as a global rather than local concern? If the problem seems more local or even regional than global, what aspects of the problem make its urgency appealing to global institutions, states, or individuals that effectively run these institutions?

2. Reasoning with clear ideas and examples, explain why the issue is difficult to resolve with the collective action of any kind-local, regional, global. Who or what are the main obstacles to mitigating, ameliorating, or even solving the problem you identify?

3. Many Christians on a spectrum from left to right consider themselves ‘environmentalists' at some level, from supporting nature preserves, national parks, and clean air and water to global agendas like climate change, pollution reduction, and population control. Using biblical and extra-biblical sources (The Bible, commentaries, teachings, other writings, etc.) to inform your own reasoning, explain how a consistent Christian worldview may be compatible with the label ‘Christian environmentalist.' Be clear and coherent in your response, since you want to avoid Bible verses at random with little integrated relevance.

Format your assignment according to the give formatting requirements:

1. The answer must be double spaced, typed, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

2. The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the course title, the student's name, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

3. Also include a reference page. The references and Citations should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Other Subject: What is the nature and scope of the environmental problem
Reference No:- TGS03152393

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