
What is the narrowest form of red tape is called

Multiple choice questions:

1-01. Top-level managers or administrators must have good ___________.
a. technical skills
b. conceptual skills
c. human or personal skills
d. all of the above
Question 2

1-02. The primary purpose of management is to ___________.
a. effectively control work habits of employees
b. develop employees to their full potential
c. effectively lead employees
d. achieve desired organizational objectives
Question 3

1-03. Professional managers pride themselves on ___________.
a. the results they achieve
b. the full development of the personnel they manage
c. the acceptance of total responsibility
d. all of the above
Question 4

1-04. The father of scientific management is considered to be ___________.
a. W. Frederick Taylor
b. Frank Gilbreth
c. Henri Fayol
d. G. Elton Mayo
Question 5

1-05. The single most important daily activity of a manager is ___________.
a. delegating
b. organizing
c. leading
d. decision-making
Question 6

1-06. Management is primarily ___________.
a. a science
b. an art
c. a science and art
d. a common sense activity
Question 7

1-07. Managers have responsibility for and control over many resources, but the one they manage is ___________.
a. monies
b. art
c. people
d. supplies and equipment
Question 8

1-08. The _________ test is a valid means for schools unsure of their compliance status to meet the requirements of Title IX.
a. Title IX
b. OCR
c. proportionality
d. compliance
Question 9

1-09. The science of management involves the use of ___________.
a. scientific approaches
b. laws and one-to-one relationships
c. research findings
d. rules of science
Question 10

1-10. The art of managing emphasizes ___________.
a. training one has received
b. innate feelings of an individual
c. how you do something, or the way you do it
d. fundamental management concepts
Question 11

1-11. Over __________ colleges and universities in the U.S. offer undergraduate and/or graduate programs in sports management.
a. 300
b. 250
c. 210
d. 180
Question 12

1-12. Henri Fayol originated the ___________ school of management.
a. systems
b. process
c. contingency
d. mathematical
Question 13

1-13. G. Elton Mayo is best identified as ___________.
a. a protege of W. Frederick Taylor
b. a management pioneer working in about 1900
c. the chief researcher of the Hawthorne Studies
d. a proponent of pay as a major motivator
Question 14

1-14. Management did not emerge as a recognized discipline until ___________.
a. the 1950s
b. the nineteenth century
c. the twentieth century
d. none of the above
Question 15

1-15. Real management involves achieving objectives through ___________.
a. organizing
b. controlling
c. people
d. all of the above
Question 16

1-16. The main tasks of all managers are planning, organizing, implementing, and ____________.
a. following-up
b. problem solving
c. controlling
d. coordinating
Question 17

1-17. Which of the following general skills is NOT needed by managers?
a. technical skills
b. human/personal skills
c. artistic
d. conceptual
Question 18

1-18. First-level managers are sometimes called ___________.
a. group leaders
b. coordinators
c. supervisors
d. all of the above
Question 19

1-19. Which of the following job titles is NOT a management job title?
a. group leader
b. coordinator
c. professor
d. all of the above
Question 20

1-20. The economic impact of the sports industry on the total U.S. economy ___________.
a. is staggering
b. ranks second in importance behind healthcare
c. is significant, but hardly "major"
d. is of little importance
Question 21

1. External environmental constraints do NOT originate from ___________.
a. laws and regulations
b. custom or long-established practice
c. competitors
d. the public
Question 22

2. All constraints, internal and external, affect management by ___________.
a. lowering output and increasing costs
b. placing a drag on efforts to improve productivity
c. limiting management's authority
d. creating uncertain economic conditions
Question 23

3. The major job of ethics officers is to ___________.
a. form the moral conscience of the organization
b. control employee and management's behavior
c. influence management's decision making
d. none of the above
Question 24

4. A group of general rules that apply to most situations calling for an ethical judgement is known as ___________.
a. common morality
b. social responsibility
c. a code of ethics
d. ethical standards
Question 25

5. One of the most widely known and practiced theories of ethics is based on ___________.
a. theology
b. teleology
c. psychology
d. physiology

6. The concept of social responsibility in America originated with ___________.
a. W. Frederick Taylor
b. Frank Gilbreth
c. Henry L. Gantt
d. Henri Fayol
Question 27

7. Which of the following is NOT one of the seven principles that guide decision making toward better business ethics?
a. Always tell the truth to customers in your advertising.
b. Achieve the most social good that you can.
c. Never follow standard business practices.
d. Treat employees with dignity and respect.
Question 28

8. The major legal concepts involved with the preparation of a contract are ___________.
a. offer and acceptance
b. consideration
c. legality and capacity
d. all of the above
Question 29

9. The Constitution is the basic law of the U.S. and was drawn up in ___________.
a. 1776
b. 1778
c. 1787
d. 1805
Question 30

0. The development of athletic opportunities for women may, to a large extent, be attributed to ___________.
a. the ERA movement
b. the NOW organization
c. EEOC legislation
d. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
Question 31

1. The Sherman Act was passed in ___________.
a. 1972
b. 1936
c. 1964
d. 1890
Question 32

2. Which professional team sport is exempt from antitrust laws?
a. baseball
b. hockey
c. basketball
d. football
Question 33

3. The federal court system in the United States consists of ___________.
a. the Supreme Court
b. 13 courts of appeal
c. 94 district courts
d. all of the above
Question 34

4. Capacity is defined as ___________.
a. the underlying bargain of a contract
b. a conditional promise
c. the ability to understand the nature and effects of one's acts
d. an exchange of value between one person and another
Question 35

5. The document that creates a legal obligation to fulfill promises made in an agreement is ___________.
a. an offer
b. a contract
c. a consideration
d. a legality
Question 36

6. Agency law establishes the legal parameters in ___________.
a. the relationship between players and a team
b. the relationship between a principal and an agent
c. the agreement between an agent and a team
d. the relationship among the principal, agent, and team spokesperson
Question 37

7. The key language in Title IX is ___________.
a. "receiving any financial assistance"
b. "receiving Federal financial assistance"
c. "receiving Federal financial assistance and maintaining men's and women's sports programs"
d. "only major college and university institutions receiving financial assistance are obligated to Title IX"
Question 38

8. Equal rights amendments have had a greater impact ___________.
a. as a result of the passage of the Equal Rights amendment in 1972
b. at the state level than at the federal level
c. in professional sports than in amateur sports
d. because ERA statutes exist in all 50 states
Question 39

9. The most celebrated case involving an amateur athletic association and antitrust laws was ___________.
a. NCAA v. Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma
b. NCCA v. Board of Regents of the University of Florida
c. Haywood v. National Basketball Association
d. none of the above
Question 40

2-20. The legal fight between the NCAA and the University of Oklahoma resulted in ___________.
a. an agreement to broadcast games of the university at least four times a season
b. NCAA's national television contract being declared in violation of antitrust laws
c. a verdict favorable to the University of Oklahoma and the University of Georgia
d. both b and c
Question 41

1. There is no such thing as perfect planning because ___________.
a. people are involved
b. risks and uncertainties exist
c. a shortage of needed resources exists
d. human frailties exist
Question 42

2. The number-one cause of organizational failure is ___________.
a. poor organization
b. untrained personnel
c. weak managerial decision making
d. poor managerial planning
Question 43

3. When planning, time standards should be set ___________.
a. that are reasonable
b. at a level of excellence
c. so that all can meet them
d. based on participatory discussions
Question 44

4. Without sound planning, an organization ___________.
a. will flounder
b. has no direction
c. will operate inefficiently
d. all of the above
Question 45

5. Standing and single-use plans are part of ___________.
a. strategic planning
b. operational planning
c. functional planning
d. none of the above
Question 46

6. A long-range plan of a large organization may be for ___________.
a. 1 to 2 years
b. 15 to 20 years
c. 5 years
d. 3 to 5 years
Question 47

7. The narrowest form of "red tape" is called a ___________.
a. policy
b. procedure
c. system
d. rule
Question 48

8. The visual control chart developed in 1917 by _____________ has been usefully implemented to control plans.
a. Frederick W. Taylor
b. Henry L. Gantt
c. Frank Gilbreth
d. Henri Fayol
Question 49

9. The formalization of tangible objectives in writing comes from ___________.
a. the generation of ideas
b. higher management
c. pressing need
d. demands of the job
Question 50

3-10. When a manager predicts that an event might happen and assigns a probability that it will happen, the event is viewed as ___________.
a. an uncertainty
b. a risk
c. a certainty
d. intuition

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Marketing Management: What is the narrowest form of red tape is called
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