
What is the name of your nominated organisation

Complete the assignment:

Develop a profile of the customer service activities

New South Wales, Department of Education and Communities 2012, Version 1What you have to do ( Each day we make observations about the level, nature, type and quality of customer service provided to us by various organisations. In this assignment you are to reflect on your customer service experiences with other organisations. Choose an organisation you deal with in the course of your work or, if you are not employed, select an organisation that you have access to and interview a staff member. You should select an organisation that has a published customer service policy such as a bank, telecommunications company or insurance company. As part of your preparation for this assignment visit the website of a major company, such as AAMI, and read the company's Customer Charter. Task Develop a profile of the customer service activities of your selected organisation. Use the questions below as your guide. Questions for developing your organisation's profile:

1. What is the name of your nominated organisation, what products and services does it deliver and how do such products and/or services meet your needs or your organisation's needs? (350 words) In answering this question consider:

a) research that the organisation carries out to establish the needs of its potential customers

b) organisation planning that ensures the organisation meets the needs of its customers

c) how the needs of customers are expressed as features and benefits including time, cost and quality requirements 2 LA011775 -

Assignment- Department of Education and Communities 2012, Version 1, February 2012 d) The organisation's published customer service policy- include the published policy in your journal that you submit for marking.

2. How does the organisation ensure that it is able to meet customers' needs (500 words) In answering this question consider:

a) the adequacy of human, financial and physical resources to meet the needs of customers b) processes used by the organisation to ensure it's operating at best practice standards c) staff development strategies such as coaching and mentoring that are used to develop staff.

3. How does the organisation respond to feedback from customers? (350 words) In answering this question consider:

a) how feedback is sought from customers and recorded

b) action taken by the organisation in response to feedback

c) processes used to prevent problems reoccurring or to bring about an enhanced level of customer service delivery. Assessment checklist I have:

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Other Management: What is the name of your nominated organisation
Reference No:- TGS01775258

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