What is the name of the microbe

Question 1. In this discussion, research a beneficial microbe and share this information with the class. In your research, be sure to include the following:

  • What is the name of the microbe and what type of microbe is it (bacteria, virus, fungus, etc.)?
  • Where is the microbe found (in soil, in the human body, in water, etc.)?
  • What are the benefits of this microbe (for humans, animals, plants, or the environment)?
  • If relevant, how is this microbe used in research or in practical applications?

Question 2.

Watch the video:

YouTube Video: Merce Cunningham: Pond Way

Watch the video again without the sound

Choose a different piece of music to accompany the video, music you feel could change the intention/feel/outcome/idea of the piece

In your discussion post.

  • Include link to the video you chose
  • Identify your video choice by title and choreographer
  • Include link to your music choice
  • Justify why you think your music choice would complement the choreographic piece by giving 3 examples demonstrating why you think the choreography would work with your chosen music and how the music could change the intention/feel/outcome/idea of the piece

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Reference No:- TGS03356488

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