What is the usual length of coretime?
a. 7 hours
b. 4 hours
c. 6 hours
d. 8 hours
Cross-cultural leadership research reveals Western leadership styles value _____ and Eastern leadership styles value _____
a. achievement, relationships
b. communication clarity, action
c. interpersonal harmony, result
d. participative decision making, power
Which of the following is not a factor in deciding whether an employee is a member of the in-group or out-group?
a. competence
b. motivation
c. trustworthiness
d. experience
Approximately what percentages of new businesses in the U.S. fail to survive five years?
a. 25%
b. 33%
c. 67%
d. 75%
e. 50%
What prop was famously used by Vice-President Nixon to influence an audience as to his innocence of alleged wrong-doing?
a. a child
b. a piece of string
c. a dog
d. the Bible
Training leaders to present themselves as people want to see them is a concept of leadership reflected in:
a. transformational leadership
b. implicit leadership
c. substitutes for leadership
d. charismatic leadership
More proximal theories of work motivation are increasingly premised on the assumption of what explanatory concept?
a. innate needs
b. social comparison
c. pain avoidance
d. conscious choice
Which of the following theories of work motivation does not have high organizational applicability?
a. self regulation
b. work design
c. expectancy
d. goal setting
If you believe that highly motivated individuals can be identified by a personality test, you subscribe to which theory of motivation?
a. work design
b. goal setting
c. self-regulation
d. genetics
e. expectancy
According to goal setting theory, goals with the most motivating potential are _____ in nature and _____ in difficulty
a. specific, moderate
b. general, high
c. general, moderate
d. specific, high
The degree to which a person is "on target" in his/her action is measured through _____
a. expectancy adjustment
b. discrepant information
c. goal identification
d. goal revision
Union leaders have preferred, when using qualification methods for workers, to use _____ as the method of selection for all jobs
a. qualified seniority
b. job try-outs
c. paper-and-pencil tests
d. structured interviews
What is the name of the election whereby employees decide if a union will represent them in their dealings with management?
a. ratification
b. validation
c. authorization
d. certification
In the 1930s which of the following actions were engaged in by I/O psychologists to facilitate management's attempts at union busting?
a. assigning union members to the most unpleasant and often lowest paying jobs
b. developing personality tests that could be used to screen out job applicants who were pro-union
c. advising company presidents on how to circumvent federal laws supportive of unions
d. offering training programs to management on how to defeat grievances filed by union members