
What is the name and city of the auditors for the cafr does

The City of Richmond, Virginia

CAFR should be three to four pages in length plus the works cited page. The CAFR is your main resource for your government entity. A paper should be three to four pages, single spaced. You may add graphics from your source document but limit this to no more than 50% of your space (i.e. a four-page paper with no more than two pages of graphics, total.

1. What is the name and city of the auditors for the CAFR?
2. Does the auditors' opinion reveal any unfavorable issues?
3. MD&A section: discuss any highlights or issues of concern

Use the name of the financial statement as a heading and list each financial statement as presented in the index to the CAFR when it comes to the following:

Information Richmond, VA CAFR entity from the Government Wide Financial Statements?

Information Richmond, VA CAFR entity from the Government Funds Financial Statements?

Information Richmond, VA CAFR CAFRthe financial statemetns will likely include two or three statements for each major fund classification:

Enterprise Funds, Fiduciary Funds, and Component Units Financial Statements.


NFP should be three to four pages in length plus the works cited page. The form 990 is the resource for your NFP with use of A - 133 audit.A paper should be three to four pages, single spaced. You may add graphics from your source document but limit this to no more than 50% of your space (i.e. a four-page paper with no more than two pages of graphics, total.

List the names of the financial statements and highlights, including the relationship of revenue to expenses, and of assets to liabilities. For the Net assets, describe the types (unrestricted, temporarily restricted, permanently restricted). Statement of Financial Position. Statement of Activities. Functional Expenses?

(1) Comments on the Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs (from teh A-133 Audit).

(2) Access the IRS form 990. What is the FYE date? Comment on page 1 presentation, financial information, comparing from this year to last year. Who signed the form and what was the date.

(3) Using the IRS form 990, what do you learn about compensation and the management of the NFP entity? This is usually in Part VII, Section A.

(4) Part VIII Revenue: what are the major funding sources?

(5) Part IX Functional Expenses: what are the major functional expenses?




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Auditing: What is the name and city of the auditors for the cafr does
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