Please remember to clear any videos watched other than the ones mentioned above with me prior to handing in the report. Must be a documentary not a movie.
Documentary Movie: Maxed out; Capitalism; Overdraft; The Crisis of Debt; Steve Jobs, One Last Thing; The Money Rollercoaster; Capitalism is the Crisis; Bill Gates, A Geek Who Changed the World; Walmart: The High Cost of Low Price; We're Not Broke; Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine; The Ascent of Money; or you can watch a Suze Orman, David Ramsey, Til Debt do us Part, or another financial video/DVD or YouTube segment (cannot be a ½ hr must be at least a one hour or longer video/dvd and must be a documentary). See also (The Snowball (Warren Buffet); Bill Gates, How a Geek Changed the World, Warren Buffet Revealed, Money as Debt (this is a trilogy), etc.
Requirements: Watch the documentary movie and write a report about the movie (cannot be less than 2 pages). Must include work cited/bibliography. You will be graded on: cover; clerical/grammar/sentence structure; content; lessons learned; and work cited/bibliography. You must print a copy and hand-in a printed copy.
The sentence structure, grammar, and report writing style should reflect a college student level. A nice cover page should be included as well. Please list the full work cited/ bibliography of the video watched. Finally, certain discussion points should be covered in your minimal two page summary.
• What is the movie/dvd/TV show about?
• What is the debt or financial discussion - what is going on?
• What happened to the people in the DVD or TV show?
• What is the main discussion and result?
• Will this or how does this affect your spending/savings habits and if so what are your plans?
Do not forget a work cited/bibliography - failure to provide results in a zero (have to give proper credit for resources you used).