
What is the moviedvdtv show aboutwhat is the debt or


Please remember to clear any videos watched other than the ones mentioned above with me prior to handing in the report. Must be a documentary not a movie.

Documentary Movie: Maxed out; Capitalism; Overdraft; The Crisis of Debt; Steve Jobs, One Last Thing; The Money Rollercoaster; Capitalism is the Crisis; Bill Gates, A Geek Who Changed the World; Walmart: The High Cost of Low Price; We're Not Broke; Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine; The Ascent of Money; or you can watch a Suze Orman, David Ramsey, Til Debt do us Part, or another financial video/DVD or YouTube segment (cannot be a ½ hr must be at least a one hour or longer video/dvd and must be a documentary). See also https://topdocumentaryfilms.com (The Snowball (Warren Buffet); Bill Gates, How a Geek Changed the World, Warren Buffet Revealed, Money as Debt (this is a trilogy), etc.

Requirements: Watch the documentary movie and write a report about the movie (cannot be less than 2 pages). Must include work cited/bibliography. You will be graded on: cover; clerical/grammar/sentence structure; content; lessons learned; and work cited/bibliography. You must print a copy and hand-in a printed copy.

The sentence structure, grammar, and report writing style should reflect a college student level. A nice cover page should be included as well. Please list the full work cited/ bibliography of the video watched. Finally, certain discussion points should be covered in your minimal two page summary.

• What is the movie/dvd/TV show about?
• What is the debt or financial discussion - what is going on?
• What happened to the people in the DVD or TV show?
• What is the main discussion and result?
• Will this or how does this affect your spending/savings habits and if so what are your plans?

Do not forget a work cited/bibliography - failure to provide results in a zero (have to give proper credit for resources you used).

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Dissertation: What is the moviedvdtv show aboutwhat is the debt or
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