
What is the most surprising thing you learned from video

Problem: Evolution of Song in San Francisco

Did you know that San Francisco Bay Area's white-crown sparrows have their own dialect? In fact, there are several different dialects that this species has in the Bay Area, depending on where they live! How you ask? Check out this article on the Disappearing Language of Sparrows from Bay Nature Magazine to learn more about a local resident, one that you can easily find in the city, even outside along the steps of our Science Building! You'll even get to hear different bird songs and find out where this research has taken place around likely familiar spots in the city. Can't wait to see what you think of these guys.

• State which video or article you watched or read, respectively.

• Summarize in a few sentences what this video/article was about.

• What is the most surprising thing you learned from this video/article?

• Do you believe that speciation is occurring in the resource that you picked? Briefly but thoughtfully explain why or why not. Remember what you've already learned about speciation!

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Biology: What is the most surprising thing you learned from video
Reference No:- TGS03221815

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