
What is the most significant point made in the article how


What's Going On In Texas?


The purpose of this assignment is to engage you with a topic of current political interest in the state of Texas and relate it to the content in Module 1. Please read the assigned article (below) and think about its implications for the people of Texas.


You will formulate your reactions to the assigned article and thoughtfully relate them to what you are learning in Module 1. Please follow these requirements carefully:

• You must write in your own words (no quotes, paraphrases, or plagiarism.

• You must write in academic English and proofread for errors.

• Your essay must include a minimum of 270 words. Organize your thoughts into paragraphs made up of three to five sentences each. Use this structure to organize your response:

o Paragraph 1 - What is the general subject of the article?
o Paragraph 2 - What is the most significant point made in the article?
o Paragraph 3 - How does the article relate to other material you are learning in Module 1?
o Paragraph 4 - What did you learn from reading the article?

Read carefully this article: "Dallas Fed CEO: Technology, not trade or immigration, is main reason for job loss" by JULIAN AGUILAR.

Upon completing this assignment you should feel better connected to an issue of political importance. Formulating your thoughts about it is a step toward developing or enhancing your political voice.

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Dissertation: What is the most significant point made in the article how
Reference No:- TGS02501361

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