Assignment task: A very active four-year old male has a scalp wound that won't heal.
He's had delayed wound healing all his life.
The mother's father had terrible arthritis of his knees and ankles. He was wheelchair-bound by the age of 45 and died of a 'bleeding ulcer' at age 51.
Lab results
PT = 11 sec (ref = 11.2 sec)
aPTT = 54 sec (ref = 22 - 34 sec)
CBC is within normal limits including platelet count.
Rare reactive lymphocyte noted.
Several factor levels were performed. His factor IX level is 12% of expected.
What is the most likely diagnosis for this young boy? Looking for Assignment Help?
Select one:
a. ITP
b. Hemophilia A
c. Stuart-Prower factor deficiency
d. Hemophilia B