
What is the most interesting concept covered so far the


we learned about quadratic equations. In physics a quadratic equation can be used to model projectile motion. Projectile motion can describe the movement of a baseball after it has been hit by a bat, or the movement of a cannonball after it has been shot from a cannon. A penny falling from the Empire State Building can even be modeled with this equation!

The projectile motion equation is s(t)=-16t^2+vt+h where s(t) represents the distance or height of an object at time t, v represents the initial speed of the object in ft/s, and h is the initial height of the object, measured in feet.

If an object is starting at rest, then v=0 (such as for a penny being dropped from a building). If the object is starting from the ground, h=0. The baseball or cannonball situations, each have an initial velocity. For example, the initial velocity of the baseball is based on the speed at which the ball comes at you (the speed of the pitch).

Come up with a situation that you can model with this equation. Describe the situation, and tell us what v and h are. Fill in the values so that you have a quadratic equation. If you do research to find initial velocities, include the links to the websites where you found that information. If you would like to make up your own numbers as well, you can (be creative)!

Once you have your equation, find the maximum height as well as the time it takes to reach that maximum. Then use your equation to find when the object hits the ground (i.e. the x-intercepts).

Finally, use those three points as well as the initial height to sketch a graph. You can take a photo of it and include the image, or use an online graphing calculator and take a screenshot if that is easier. Only a paragraph is needed.


is the halfway point in the course. Please share your thoughts in regards to the course up to this point by writing a short reflection paper of at least 300 words.

In your paper, you will reflect upon your progress in this course thus far. Some questions you may want to consider as you write include:

· Is the course what you expected so far? Why or why not? It is harder than expected. Explain

· Which of the success/study strategies you implemented during Week 1 have been the most useful? Why?

· What is the most interesting concept covered so far? The most difficult? I am having a hard time trying to figure out how to find a slope.

· Are you getting a feel for how much mathematics is involved in our daily lives? Explain.

In your paper, include your name, the course name and section, and the date in the header. Use Times New Roman, size 12 font and double space.

Discussion Options Menu: Forum

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A paragraph is all I need

Assignment BCG Matrix

Research a company of your choice and determine which of the four quadrants of the BCG Matrix you feel it fits into. Justify your response using information about the company.

Your paper should be 1 ½ pages.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

· Write between 1 ½ pages using Microsoft Word.

· Use APA style.

· Use font size 12 and 1" margins.

· Include cover page and reference page.

· Reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) must be identified in the paper and listed on a reference page.

Reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) must come from sources such as, scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost, online newspapers such as The Wall Street Journal, government websites, etc. Sources such as Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. are not acceptable.

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Operation Management: What is the most interesting concept covered so far the
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