What is the most important or critically essential passage

Assignment task:

Based on this article, Wiggins, Great Speed but Little Stamina

Article: Wiggins, Great Speed but Little Stamina.pdf

1. Summary: summarize the key points and arguments made by the author. You don't need to directly quote the article, summarize it. There is no perfect length here, but you'll probably need at least words two hundred at the minimum.

2. The key passage: in your opinion, what is the most important or critically essential passage from the article? A passage can be one sentence or an entire paragraph. Copy and paste the passage, or at least include the first few words and the final few words, separated by "..." Include the page number of the passage. Then, in a few sentences of your own, explain why you feel that this is the most essential part of the article.

3. Strengths/Weaknesses: In your opinion, what are the strengths and weaknesses of the article. Include at least 1 of each for full credit. A sentence or two for each strength/weakness, is plenty. For both strengths and weaknesses, focus on arguments, evidence/sources, clarity of the writing, things you wish the author had covered, etc.! Note: "it was boring" or "it was hard to read" are not valid weaknesses! Also: some of the articles we read are a bit old, so "I wish author had discussed this thing that hadn't happened yet" is not a valid weakness.

4. Personal response: what's your take? What did you learn that was really interesting, what did you enjoy, what else would you like to know, how does this connect to other ideas from this class or other classes, etc., etc. etc. There are no wrong answers here, but there can certainly be good or bad ones. Write from the heart and share your thoughts. No limit or minimum on length, but one or two solid paragraphs is fine.

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