
What is the most important economic principle you learned

***100+ word response to each student (5). Be positive, encouraging and interactive with student response.***


Main Question:

Course Reflection: What is the most important economic principle you learned from the course? How did this information improve your understanding of macroeconomics, and what is its application in the macroeconomic environment?

Student 1:

The dynamics of macroeconomics has covered a comprehensive range upon all what has been incorporated in the course. As a general elective course, I feel it is a very educational and enlightening course. The course demonstrated a significant approach to a diversity of economy-wide aspects with the input

in the real world regarding economic methods. The course truly presented normal conditions in which I haven't thought of regarding macroeconomics. The completion of microeconomics before this course considerably was a stepping-stone in which helped me understand and succeed in the course. What we have learned can be used for making decisions for our families and self, regarding where and how we spend our funds. The course made me aware of more global perspectives in the world of economics. It will be extremely beneficial for my future. 

I was quite surprised upon the aspect of macroeconomics, very important and how it can, is applied, or affect to the daily life. The subject matters covered in the forums weekly were very insightful. The study of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in more profound education, the views constitutes salaries and payrolls, corporate earnings, interest obtained by banks, and taxes secured by governments. Which are very beneficial with the desire to get into business ownership. Regardless of the path I continue upon, micro/macroeconomics will always be part of everything in my daily life and have learned a great deal from the course. I appreciate the time and different prospectives which have been shared; I can say I have taken it all in and educational have grown. Thank you all and best luck upon your path as well. 


I found this class to be of great personal use. Though the topics apply to the mass population, the subject matter affects all of us individually. The types of unemployment and their root causes will affect each of us at some point in our lives. The topic that affected me the most was the lesson on the Paradox of Thrift. When times are tough most of us immediately slow our spending and squirrel away what little money we can. The fact that this is counterintuitive was eye opening. By looking out for ourselves we are actually hurting the economy and making things worse. Individual actions have a huge impact on the greater economy. Ultimately what I do with my money affects my neighbor. Choosing to patronize a locally owned store instead of a large chain like Walmart will put money directly into the pocket of the neighbor that owns the store. The neighbor will then spend those earnings within the town. But, by choosing to not shop at all, there is no money to be spent, locally or elsewhere. All of the concepts learned in this class will help me in my career as a logistician. I was thoroughly surprised at how much the economics classes and my transportation and logistics management classes overlapped. Supply and demand as well as the transportation of supplies greatly impacts the economy. Distribution creates jobs which gives more people income which is in turn spent on more goods and services. Everything impacts something else which ultimately affects the economy.

Intermodal Transportation:

Main question:

This week you will take time to reflect and discuss your thoughts on the course.

1. Describe how you feel you improved your knowledge, skills, abilities, and yourself in this class.

2. Assess the course objectives you still do not understand and suggest how to improve the course to meet those objectives.

3. List ways you might measure the future effects of what you have learned in this course or your future progress/improvement.

Student 3:

Welcome to the final week! It has been enjoyable reading your work and interacting with all of you. Prior to this class I knew the logistics world was immense but all the reading material and knowledge acquired throughout these past 8 weeks has opened infinite possibilities. I admit that before deciding to follow the Transportation and Logistics Management path I was a little hesitant about the applications for this type of degree. Now I see applications everywhere I turn. From the small trucking company and the regional and international airports to the big ports all over our coasts, or on a bigger scale... the world.

I believe in 8 weeks we were able to cover enough topics. One aspect I personally would suggest is accompanying the book chapters with applicable videos, not necessarily to replace but to supplement or expand on different subjects. Other than that, I do not know in which other ways the school can expand on. As we all know, online and distance learning requires a great deal of personal responsibility and discipline. The knowledge provided can always be expanded if we are hungry for more and decide to research specific topics.

Personally I feel like the blinders have been removed and I can see the logistics world in a 360 degree capacity now. Prior to this class my entire focus was on the air portion of the transportation industry with minor interaction with trucks via surface movement. Now I can see how the multiple modes interact with each other and understand the benefits (or detriments at times) when selecting one mode over others or when rail is more applicable than truck. There is still much more to learn but this has only made me hungry for more.


1. Describe how you feel you improved your knowledge, skills, abilities, and yourself in this class.

After this course I have a better understanding of intermodal transportation. In the previous transportation and logistics intermodal was discussed but never in details.  I had a brief understanding of the term but now with this course I know the meaning and what it consists of.  It is crazy to think that I have used or been a part of intermodal transportation and not fully understand the significance I now can speak smartly on the matter and incorporate it in my current career in the military.

2. Assess the course objectives you still do not understand and suggest how to improve the course to meet those objectives.

Reviewing the course objective there is nothing that is listed on the course objective that I still do not understand.  I think I really enjoyed week 3 the comparison of the deregulation and the impact on the government with intermodal transportation. The case studies and papers for this course helped to drive home the different lessons covered in this course.

3. List ways you might measure the future effects of what you have learned in this course or your future progress/improvement.

As I am getting closer to completing my degree I am not sure how this course will play into or the influence it may have on my last remaining transportation and logistics course but if it does, this course has armored me with the tools I need to be successful in the sense of intermodal transportation, its history and how it has become to be in existence now.

Hopefully if I am lucky enough to retire from the military and work for the small logistic company somewhere in Texas, I will have a full understanding of intermodal transportation and the efficiency it has on businesses. 

Supply Chain Management

Main Question :

This week you will take time to reflect and discuss your thoughts on the course.

1. Describe how you feel you improved your knowledge, skills, abilities, and yourself in this class. 

2. Evaluate the work you did during this class and explain ways you could have performed better.

3. Assess the course objectives you still do not understand and suggest how to improve the course to meet those objectives. 

4. List ways you might measure the future effects of what you have learned in this course or your future progress/improvement.

5. What is your next step in your educational adventure and professional career? Do you think this degree will impact your career or personal goals?


Greetings fellow students and Dr, H

We have arrived at our final destination; I hope you all enjoy the classes as I did and got the best of them, classes, as well.  I like to start out by pointing out on the subjects that I have learned which in details are so many but jus to name a few that catch my attention where the network planning,  and how to develop the inventory. The strategies mention also increase my knowledge. How to apply the inventory control model. Supply contracts and so forth the class was very interesting to me, and I know probably I will not remember all of this points, but certainly ill have them in the back of my head so I can come back to my notes and reviewed them. Also, on evaluating my work,  I do not like to talk bad about myself, probably improving my grammar and the length of the responses on the forums. The objectives were comprehensible sometimes when I got stuck I used YouTube videos and research the campus library, no problem at all.

Understanding this course, provide me with the ability to become quick-witted in any job-related to logistic management or distribution centers. This course provides me with a good idea, and bases to follow and where to look for answers in case I get put on a new project, and I don't get the help need it on the job site. My next step is to follow through my classes get my bachelor degree in Transportation and logistic management, right now I'm already enrolled in three new classes, and I hope everything goes well for me.

Best wishes for everyone and thank you.

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Business Management: What is the most important economic principle you learned
Reference No:- TGS02338191

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