
What is the most important area for professional development


I. What is the most important area for professional development that has been identified in your "enhancing your style" column of your report? (TIP: be sure to cite your report and include quotation marks for anything directly quoted from your report)

II. Why do you think this is a priority for your professional development? (TIP: this is where you relate what you have learned in THIS lesson about change and change management to your personal situation. This is the place to integrate course concepts from the lesson)

III. What specific, actionable steps are your going to commit to in order to begin working on this? (TIP: be these are practical. So rather than say "I'm going to get better at..." which is nice, but vague, say "I am going to get better at ... by doing ..." and include specific steps)

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Business Management: What is the most important area for professional development
Reference No:- TGS03335733

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