Summarize the following conclusions
The researchers concluded that the two important strategies to decrease CAUTI are nurse-led interventions and informatics-led interventions. Nurse-led interventions include assessing if catheter placement is appropriate and removal of any unnecessary catheters. Informatics-led interventions consist of computer-generated prompts to the practitioner to assess and reassess indications for an indwelling catheter
The researchers concluded that the NLP provided reasonably accurate results in regards to identifying indwelling urinary catheter days but did not adequately detect CAUTI. The NLP tool can be used to improve the accuracy of measurement and decreases the time required to conduct manual chart reviews. Further evaluation of the NLP utilization in conjunction with other electronic surveillance methods is needed to correctly identify CAUTI.
It was found that most occurrences of CAUTIs was due to instrumentation. Thus, increased management of awareness that coincides with the infrequency of switching of instruments within the treatment period decrease monetary expenditures and improve health conditions for the subject involved.
Within the findings of the study it was found that those with the CAUTI education package in hand had a far better skilled approach and overall knowledge of CAUTI prevention.
Non use of catheters has been found to be the most effective way of avoiding CAUTI. Simply put, CAUTI cannot be developed if catheters are not used. Limiting the use of catheters is the most effective way to reduce CAUTI. Therefore, careful assessment of the patient should be done before the procedure is undertaken
The research findings showed that a multidisciplinary team effort and combinations of different methods, like early removal, better hygiene, and decreased use of Foley, are all needed to eliminate CAUTIs.
Relevant findings for this study shown that nitrofurazone-impregnated catheters may be cost-effective compared with the standard catheter. Silver alloy-coated catheters were highly unlikely to be considered cost-effective. The authors did not found any health-economic evidence to support the use of sliver alloy-coated urethral catheters. Those findings are very useful for the EBP project, because they show other cost effective methods that have been used in other country to control CAUTI.
From the study result undertaken at White Plains Hospital, it was evident that there was a dramatic reduction in the incidences of hospital-acquired CAUTI. In 2008, the CAUTI rate was 4.9/1,000 catheter days which reduced to 0.2/1,000 catheter days in 2013 (Quinn, 2015). This shows a significant reduction from the initial condition in 2008 (Quinn, 2015). From the number of patients catheterized in 2008 and those catheterized in 2013, it is evident that the practice has side benefits. The number reduced from 5,561 to 2,256 in 2008 and 2013 respectively (Quinn, 2015). From the cost estimates, it is also beneficial because it results in cost saving.