
What is the most appropriate cloud deployment model or


  1.  Please read the BPI case study.
  2.  Please read the assignment below and answer the questions listed under 'Assignment Questions'.
  3.  At the minimum, submissions should reflect your understanding of Whitman and Mattord course text book and the Cloud Security Alliance Security Guidance. You are free to use any other relevant references beyond the prescribed text.

Assignment Questions

Question 1. What is the most appropriate Cloud Deployment model (or combination) for BPI (Public, Private, Community, or Hybrid)? Explain how your recommendation UNIQUELY addresses each the business objectives. You will need to explain how each objective is being met in the specific Cloud deployment model(s) that you recommend and the associated risks.

Question 2. What is the most appropriate Cloud service delivery model (or combination) for BPI (SAAS, IAAS, PAAS)? Explain why. Explain how your recommendation UNIQUELY addresses each of the four business objectives. You will need to explain how each objective is being met in the specific Cloud delivery model(s) that you recommend and the associated risks.

Question 3. Which type of security activities can BPI reasonable expect to be responsible for conducting under your recommended cloud service offering you identified in question 2? Which security activities can BPI reasonable expect the cloud service provider to be responsible for conducting based on the CSA guide?

Question 4. Summarize how BPI should approach of each 13 domains (as identified within the CSA Guide) for cloud based services it decides to implement.

Specifications for the assignment

  1. Length of the paper
  2. Maximum length = 3,000 words (not including references and appendices)
  3. The general text of the paper, excluding headings and title, should be written with following format specifications
  4. Font: Times New Roman
  5. Font Size: 12, regular
  6. Line spacing: double spaced
  7. Alignment: left
  8. Margins (inches): Left: 1.25; Right: 1.25; Top: 1; Bottom: 1
  9. Do not forget to write your name as a header on each page.
  10. Font: Times New Roman;
  11. Font size: 9 regular
  12. Right aligned
  13. Please enter page number as footer for each page.
  14. Submit the assignment as Word document (and not pdf extension).
  15. Do not attach Certificate of Authorship. Do remember that you are required to submit original work only. Plagiarism is a serious offence and would be dealt with as per University rules. 

Note: If you fail to meet the above specifications, your assignment submission would not be graded, and you would be awarded a zero.

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Basic Computer Science: What is the most appropriate cloud deployment model or
Reference No:- TGS02294252

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