What is the moral ideal of compassion

1. The idea that the assisted suicide of terminally ill patients should be allowed or = assisted for the greater happiness of all concerned reflects what type of ethics?

  • Aristotle's Doctrine of the Mean
  • Kant's Categorical Imperative (in the 2nd Formulation)
  • Thomas Aquinas's concept of conscience
  • Rand's concept of self-interest
  • Mill's Principle of Utility

2. What is the moral ideal of compassion?

  • Acts of unmerited kindness
  • Sentiment in response to t he suffering of others
  • Acknowledging= the sufferings of others
  • Acts of altruism
  • Acts contrary to Objectivism

3. One of the common errors in Ethics is unwarranted assumptions. Unwarranted assumptions consist of what?

  • Preconceptions before ethical dilemmas are confronted
  • Failing to read carefully and with attention to detail
  • Taking too much for granted
  • Speculating apart from information
  • Treating case studies carelessly

4. Prescriptive language is commonly used in ethics for what reason?

  • To indicate what is prohibited or impossible
  • To indicate that one choice is better than others
  • To show what actions are legal
  • To convey requirements and obligations
  • To indicate that there= are really no choices available

6. "The right thing to do is to follow the rules that rational, self-interested people can agree to establish for their mutual benefit." This is a belief of what?

  • Ethical Egoism
  • Utilitarianism
  • Kant's Categorical Imperative
  • Social Contract Theory
  • Marxism

7. Animals entience is demonstrated by all the following accept which one?

  • Consciousness
  • Awareness
  • Response to external painful stimuli
  • Animatedness
  • Emotive response

8. Where in our course does the following phrase apply: "The only thing good without qualification is a good will"?

  • Personal habits of excellence according to Plato
  • The social contract according to Locke
  • Deontological ethics according to Mill
  • ; Natural law ethics according to Aquinas
  • Deontological ethics according to Kant

9."We ought to d= o whatever will promote the greatest happiness for the greatest number." This is an example of what?

  • Ethical Egoism
  • Utilitarianism
  • Kant' s Categorical Imperative
  • Social Contract Theory
  • Gilligan

10. What is the purpose of proving whether a syllogism of formal logic is "valid"?

  • To identify the connecting phrase "therefore â ? or a synonym of it before proceeding further
  • To determine whether the situation described is accurate
  • To determine whether the premises are true before continuing
  • To determine whether the conclusion proceeds from the premises
  • To determine that there are only two premise statements in the syllogism

11. Solving a dilemma involves realizing what aspect of it?

  • You will never be satisfied that the right choice was made
  • Some choices of action are more realistic than others
  • In deciding to choose one action, the other possible choices will be lost
  • Not everybody involved will be happy with the choice
  • There may be significant personal costs to choosing

12. Where did Thomas Aquinas say that conscience originates?

  • Through the hard work of reasoning
  • Direct gift from God in all cultures through natural law
  • An a priori source
  • By observing the objects and actions of the world
  • An empirical response of guilt for past actions

13. The rule or principle to be applied in making decisions is an example of which kind of ethical discovery process?

  • Principle of utility
  • A posteriori rationality
  • A priori rationality
  • Empirical rationality
  • Scientific method

14.  Thomas Hobbes' term for the tendency of life in society to be "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short" was called what?

  • Uncivilized
  • Survival of the fittest
  • Pre-historic
  • The state of nature
  • The veil of ignorance

15. Kant's concern that people choose to observe universal laws as their duty is expressed through what actions?

  • Their habits
  • Their maxims
  • Their desires
  • Their loves
  • Their loyalties


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Business Law and Ethics: What is the moral ideal of compassion
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