Part one
Using the Internet, look up the following address: or go to and search for "Iroquois Constitution". Once you have retrieved the document, skim it so that you can answer the two questions below.
a. What famous document in U.S. history sounds similar to the document on the above website?
b. What is this document's view on women, religious freedom, and the designation of power?
Part two
A. Go to:
Understand that I chose for you to read about this situation of the Dakota Pipeline from the people most impacted by it, not the politicians, not the media, not even the injustice organizations fighting against it-this site is from the people © 2017 Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
1. Read two of the news articles and summarize in two paragraphs
2. Despite your political views-which I am not concerned with, please state what the connection is between this pipeline issue and past treatment of Native Americans and their lands--by those in power in the U.S.
3. Please remember I am not asking you to donate at the site or talk about your political position.
B. Go to:
1. Read the introduction provided here and in the middle of the page click on the 15 page report. Read up to page 5 and state at least five relevant points regarding why they have a Native American Lives Matter-similar to Black Lives Matter.
C. Answer the following two questions:
1. How does understanding cultural knowledge and history of a group's treatment in the U.S. relate to their treatment today?
2. How could this history and current treatment of Native Americans in your opinion impact their workplace experience?
Part three
Read the following known facts:
A. Eight thousand years ago, people in present-day Zaire developed their own numeration system, as did Yoruba people in what is now Nigeria. The Yoruba system was based on units of 20 (instead of 10) and required an impressive amount of subtraction to identify different numbers. Scholars have praised this system, as it required much abstract reasoning.
B. More than 35,000 years ago, Black Egyptians scripted textbooks about math that included division and multiplication of fractions and geometric formulas to calculate the area and volume of shapes. Distances and angles were calculated, algebraic equations were solved and mathematically based predictions were made of the size of floods of the Nile.
C. Before the European invasion of Africa, medicine in what is now Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa, etc. was more advanced than medicine in Europe. Medical procedures performed in ancient Africa before they were performed in Europe:
• vaccination,
• autopsy,
• limb traction and
• broken bone setting,
• bullet removal,
• brain surgery,
• skin grafting,
• filling of dental cavities,
• installation of false teeth,
• Caesarean section,
• anesthesia and tissue cauterization
• surgeries under antiseptic conditions universally when this concept was only emerging in Europe
D. The picture that has been shown as it relates to people in the continent of Africa or go to google and choose "images" not "web" then type: pictures starving children in Africa
Now answer the following five questions:
1. By only seeing the picture in (D) as it relates to Africans, what association would people make about those who currently or come from the continent or 54 countries of Africa?
2. What does knowing the "real" facts about Africa say about the skills and intellect of many of the ancestors of Blacks in America?
3. Some people say that slavery did Blacks a favor because they were uncivilized people, yet this is not accurate of many of the countries of Africa now or past days...what arguments can you make against this belief based on the facts in a-c above.
4. In the first few chapters, we state that knowing cultural history is important, how does what you learned in the chapter about the fight of blacks for equality, the skills and talents of Africans/blacks go against the stereotypes that are still very prevalent toward Blacks today.
Managing Workplace Diversity | Chapter Seven: Understanding the African American/Black Experience 213
5. If someone was raised to believe that Blacks were inferior (due to slave status etc.) as a people or just violent or ignorant, how does just knowing this small amount information in the exercise among the many other facts found at: and and regarding the history of Africans or contributions of Blacks change that perspective
Part four
Complete part a and b below.
Part A. According to the Crime Report, Washington Post, etc. there is a fact: A year after Michael Brown's fatal shooting, unarmed black men are seven times more likely than whites to die by police gunfire. Is this true? Is this accurate? Is this painting a negative picture of Caucasian police officers, many of whom may not hold biases? Please read the following article:
(a-black-police-officers-perspective) and read the first two police officers viewpoint.
And answer the following questions:
• What is the perspective of the Black officers when it comes to violence against African Americans by the police as they are both part of the police department and the Black community?
• Does their viewpoint indicate that there may be unconscious bias on the part of some White officers in regards to their view of Blacks?
• Why is it harmful to assume that all White police officers or even many are against Blacks?
Part B. Watch the following: (don't box me in)
now answer the following questions:
a) What are all the various stereotypes of Blacks that are presented?
b) Do you think these stereotypes are real?
c) How would people that hold them interact with Blacks in the workplace, in the criminal justice field, in universities?
Part five
Part A.
Use the internet to find out about the stereotype of Asian Americans being the model minority? Search Key Words: model minority Asian
Now answer the following questions?
1. What is the Model Minority Stereotype?
2. How can this impact Asian Americans in the workplace
3. Despite being seemingly positive, how is this a harmful stereotype?
Part B.
Go to or if this link does not work go to google and search: Hispanic/Latino culture at work.
1. Summarize what the article stated in one paragraph.
2. Provide three tips that as a manager you could utilize in the workplace.