
What is the mode in terms of children wanted among female

Assignment 1: Basic Concepts and Social Data

Instructions: Closely read all questions, and answer accordingly. Responses should be typed, and should be reported in complete and concise sentences unless otherwise specified. Be sure to make TWO submissions of your work: a digital (electronic) submission BY 11:00 AM on FEB 14 to the appropriate assignment box in Blackboard Learn, AND an IN-CLASS paper submission ON FEB 14. Failure to turn in both a DIGITAL copy and a PAPER copy by deadlines will result in a score of 0.

For questions 1 - 4, briefly define each term using a complete and concise sentence:

1. Variable
2. Mean
3. Median
4. Mode

Questions 5 - 6 are based upon the test scores for the first exam of a Sociology course. The following are the scores:

62, 34, 98, 79, 89, 76, 68, 94, 92, 86, 56

Using the above scores, calculate and state each of the following in a complete and concise sentence:

5. Test Score Mean
6. Test Score Median

Questions 7 - 8 are based on information collected at the beginning of last semester's SOC 1013 class. Students were asked how many children they wanted to have and raise. Their responses have been summarized in the following frequency tables and allow us to better understand how students' sex and the education of their parents influence family size preferences.

Table 1: Desired Family Size by Students' Sex
# of Children Wanted Male Female Total
0 4 3 7
1 7 2 9
2 30 22 52
3 31 20 51
4+ 15 9 24
Total 87 56 143

First, let's examine the basics from the data above to answer the following:

7. What is the mode in terms of children wanted among female students (your answer should be provided in at least one complete and concise sentence)?

8. What is the mode in terms of children wanted among male students (your answer should be provided in at least one complete and concise sentence)?

9. Write a brief summary of the data contained in Table 1. Your response should be 2 to 3 clear and concise sentences. You should consider the differences between males and females, as well as what the most common responses were. Additionally, specify what these results tell you about desired family size in general for this class.

Table 2: Desired Family Size by Parents' Education

# of Children Wanted No College (either) Mom-
Some College+ Dad -
Some College+ Both Parents -
Some College+ Total
0 2 1 0 4 7
1 1 0 2 6 9
2 10 13 2 27 52
3 12 9 4 28 53
4+ 4 3 4 12 23
Total 29 26 12 77 144

Examine Table 2 and answer the following (answers should be in complete and concise sentences):

10. What percentage of individuals whose mothers had at least some college reported wanting 3 or more children?

11. What percentage of individuals whose parents had no college reported wanting 3 or more children?

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Dissertation: What is the mode in terms of children wanted among female
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