
What is the minimum privacy safeguards

Assignment Overview:

In 2017, internet traffic was generated at a rate of 3,138,420 GB per minute (Domo, n.d.). As the technologies and techniques that are used to collect, catalog, and analyze the growing amounts of data become more powerful and widespread, the data we generate will play a progressively more important role economically, socially, and personally. With the expansion in the quantity and the possible uses of personal data, the risk to privacy has likewise risen drastically. The difficulty of categorizing information as public versus private (given specific contexts) and the elevated costs associated with the preservation of privacy only make the issue more complex.

For this project, you will take a stakeholder role in a business on the forefront of a privacy issue. You will need to articulate a point of view that reflects your professional stance on privacy, the laws relevant to the issue, and the business implications of your recommendation.

In this assignment, demonstrate your mastery of the following course competency:

Articulate an informed position on contemporary issues of privacy and its relation to organizational mission


Fit-vantage Technologies is a quickly growing competitor in the personal fitness-tracking industry. As the company gets closer to launching its newest device, the Flame watch, the Fit-vantage executives have been approached by Helios Health Insurance Inc. to form a partnership. This partnership proposes a program allowing Helios subscribers to purchase a Fit-vantage Flame at a discount in exchange for access to the anonymous data collected from participating customers.

An internal stakeholder board has been formed to determine whether the partnership is in the best interest of Fit-vantage. Discussions at the stakeholder meetings have raised the following questions for consideration:


You must address the critical elements listed below. The codes shown in brackets indicate the course competency to which each critical element is aligned.

In a memo to the internal stakeholder board, defend your position on the proposed partnership. Your memo should address the balancing of privacy from the security practitioner's perspective alongside the corporate mission and business goals.

In your memo, be sure to address the following questions:

Are the privacy laws sufficient to ensure that the sharing and use of data will meet the fair information practice principles of the organization? [CYB-260-02]

What is the minimum privacy safeguards you would recommend be in place for the individuals' control over their data? [CYB-260-02]

In your opinion, is the proposal a good decision for the organization? Weigh the privacy considerations from a security practitioner's perspective, as well as the corporate mission and business goals in justifying your position. [CYB-260-02]

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Computer Network Security: What is the minimum privacy safeguards
Reference No:- TGS03246986

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