In a certain wireless channel, the delay spread TD =10 µsec and the maximum Doppler spread fd=0.2 kHz. The maximum propagation attenuation is 40dB.
The total power available at the transmitter is 1.08Watt. (Hint: i.e., the minimum received signal power is 0.108 mWatt.) The total bandwidth is 2 MHz
For the OFDM receiver, the received noise power density is 0.1µWatts/MHz. The total intercarrier interference power (for all subcarriers combined) is (fdT) 2mWatts where T is the OFDM symbol duration.
a.) what is the minimum guard time interval for preventing intersymbol interference?
b.) what is the maximum data rate (BPSK signaling) where minimum SINR is 40 (in linear scale)?