
What is the median hotel room rate


1.Consider a sample with data values of 10, 20, 12, 17, and 16. Compute the mean and median.

2. The Dow Jones Travel Index reported what business travelers pay for hotel rooms per night in major US cities (The Wall Street Journal, January 16, 2004). The hotel room rates for 20 cities are as follows.

A. What is the mean hotel room rate?

B. What is the median hotel room rate?

C. What is the mode?

D. What is the first quartile?

E. What is the third quartile?

City Rate per Night
Atlanta 163
Boston 177
Chicago 166
Cleveland 126
Dallas 123
Denver 120
Detroit 144
Houston 173
Los Angeles 160
Miami 192
Minneapolis 125
New Orleans 167
New York 245
Orlando 146
Phoenix 139
Pittsburgh 134
San Francisco 167
Seattle 162
St. Louis 145
Washington D.C. 207

3. Media Matrix collected data showing the most popular Web sties when browsing at home and at work (Business 2.0 January 2000). The following data show the number of unique visitors (thousands) for the top 25 web sites when browsing at home.

A. Compute the mean and median

B. Do you think it would be better to use or the median as the measure of central location for these date? Explain

C. Compute the first and third quartiles.

D. Compute and interpret the 85th percentile.

Website Unique Visitors (thousands)
about.com 5538
altavista.com 7391
amazon.com 7986
angelfire.com 8917
aol.com 23863
bluemountainarts.com 6786
ebay.com 8296
excite.com 10479
geocities.com 15321
go.com 14330
hotbot.com 5760
hotmail.com 11791
icq.com 5052
looksmart.com 5984
lycos.com 9950
microsoft.com 15593
msn.com 23505
netscape.com 14470
passport.com 11299
real.com 6785
snap.com 5730
tripod.como 7970
xoom.com 5652
yahoo.com 26796
zdnet.com 5133

4. In automobile mileage and gasoline-consumption testing. 13 automobiles were road tested for 300 miles in both city and highway driving conditions. The following data were recorded for miles-per-gallon performance.

Use the mean, median, and mode to make a statement about the difference in performance for city and highway driving.

City Highway
16.2 19.4
16.7 20.6
15.9 18.3
14.4 18.6
13.2 19.2
15.3 17.4
16.8 17.2
16.0 18.6
16.1 19.0
15.3 21.1
15.2 19.4
15.3 18.5
16.2 18.7

5. Consider a sample with data values of 10, 20, 12, 17, and 16. Compute the range and interquartile range.

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Basic Statistics: What is the median hotel room rate
Reference No:- TGS01897019

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