What is the measurement focus and basis of accounting

Under the reporting model required by GASB Statement 34, fund statements are required for government, proprietary, and fiduciary funds. Government-wide statements include the Statement of Net Assets and Statement of Activities. Answer the following questions related to the reporting model:

1. What is the measurement focus and basis of accounting for: (a) governmental fund statements, (b) Proprietary fund statements, (c) fiduciary fund statements, and (d) government-wide statements?

2. Indicate differences between fund financial statements and government-wide statements with regard to: (a) component units, (b) fiduciary funds, and (c) location of internal service funds.

3. Indicate what should be included in the Statement of Net Assets categories: (a) Invested in Capital Assets, Net of Related Debt, (b) Restricted, and (c) Unrestricted.

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Business Management: What is the measurement focus and basis of accounting
Reference No:- TGS0106405

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