What is the meaning of social change


The purpose of this Major problem is to immerse you in the qualitative research process. The process includes hands-on opportunities for you to collect, organize, analyze, and interpret qualitative data. This qualitative research process begins with some items that have already been identified for you:

• The research topic for this effort is the meaning of social change for Walden graduate students. You have been examining videos and reading about social change as part of the course study.

• The knowledge you have gained plus your reflections on the meaning of social change will form the beginning of the inquiry. That is, the research question you will explore is "What is the meaning of social change for Walden graduate students?"

• The description of your efforts of gathering, organizing, and analyzing data will form the basis of your methods section. And, the results of those efforts-the analysis and interpretation of those data-will be summarized.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Supply Chain Management: What is the meaning of social change
Reference No:- TGS03204563

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