
What is the meaning of life

Review the chapters and response to the following:


Am I aware of stereotypical male/female roles and how they have affected me growing up? How has my racial, ethnic or cultural background affected my male/female role?

Would I be interested in becoming more androgynous- if so, how? In what ways would I like to transcend my gender role?

Am I aware of my sexual concerns, fears and conflicts?

How was I socialized during childhood to communicate about sexual matters? How does this socialization affect me now?

What are my values about when, where and how to have sex? Are any of my values going through a process of transition?

Am I aware of myself as a sensual, sexual being? Is there guilt attached to sexual feelings or experiences that I struggle with? How do I go about resolving these feelings?

Chapter-Love and Relationships

What patterns of love did I see as a child?

What do I appreciate about myself?

What are the barriers of love that I have difficulty with? What fears do I fight in loving? How do I express anger? What did I learn about expressing anger/dealing with conflict?

How does this help/hinder me now?

Have I experienced terminating a relationship? What have I learned from some of the relationships that I have/have had?

What present influence do my parents have on my life? What are the changes that I would like to make in this relationship?

Ideas on What to Reflect Upon for Sections of Personal Growth Paper

For each section ask yourself: Where am I now in regard to this aspect of my life? What am I satisfied with and what would I like to change?

Chapter-Self-Care and Wellness

How am I caring for my emotional, physical, spiritual and emotional well-being? What priority do I place on my own wellness? How is this demonstrated?

What are my healthy/unhealthy patterns? What choices are impacting my wellness in a + or -way.

How are my emotional and physical states connected?

Are my relationships affecting my wellness in a + or- way?

How do my feelings/attitudes about my body affect my self-worth?

Chapter-Meaning and Values

How do my values affect my actions and behavior? Where did I get my values from? Are there additional sources that I have derived values from? Am I in the process of revising/changing any of my values?

How have I integrated my cultural values into my own identity?

What makes up my philosophy of life?

What is the meaning of life for me?

Am I aware of my prejudices?

Do I feel that I have any part in protecting the planet? Why yes or no? If yes, how? What is my religion/spirituality? Do I live in way that is congruent with what I profess?

Chapter-Work and Leisure

What process am I going through in choosing a career/occupation.

How do/will I consider my interests, abilities, values and personality in making this choice? How will work fit into my philosophy of life?

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Other Subject: What is the meaning of life
Reference No:- TGS02009148

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