
What is the meaning of health and diseasehow much is spent

Complementary and Alternative Medicine Chapter Summary Criteria

Read chapters one - three listed as PDF's on the Moodle.

Answer the following questions for the chapter listed as complete as possible, your opinion does matter.

Chapter One Questions -

1) What is the meaning of Health and Disease?

2) How much is spent annually on Health Care in the United States?

3) What do the terms "Orthodox Medicine" and "CAM" refer to?

4) How do Orthodox Medicine and Alternative Medicine differ?

5) Why do people seek "Alternative" care?

Chapter Three Questions -

1) What was the purpose of the Sherley Ammendment and the Pure Food and  Drug Act from a consumer point of view?

2) Why is "Behavior Marketing" both important and effective in advertising?

3) Describe four common marketing approaches used in advertising.

4) Describe the stages or process a consumer goes through when deciding to purchase a product or not?

5) When considering to buy or use a product or service, what should you look for when determining whether an advertisement is telling you the "Whole Story"?

Resources :

Chapter 1 :  introduction to Consumer Health : Orthodox and Complementry and Alternative Medicine(CAM)

Chapter 3 : Advertising health products

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Dissertation: What is the meaning of health and diseasehow much is spent
Reference No:- TGS02380152

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