
What is the meaning of chronic pain management to mrs

Phenomenology research question:

What is the meaning of chronic pain management to Mrs. Morgan community in far north of western Australia?

A. Phenomenological approach is the study of human living experience. The main goal of researcher is to understand the meaning of experience as it is lived by the participant and how is that they experience what they experience. In the early 20th century in the works of Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty were the foundation of phenomenological approach. .

Husserl (1859-1938) developed this method to understand if the experimental methods could be used to understand the human phenomena. He stated that the domain of phenomenology is the range of experiences including perception, imagination, thought, emotion, desire, volition, and action. Sartre's method (1905-1980) described different type of experience in relevant situations. Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961) developed a variety of phenomenology highlighting the role of the body in human experience. ForHeidegger (1889-1976) phenomenology is defined as the art or practice of "letting things show themselves".

B. A phenomenological analysis does not aim to explain or discover causes. Instead, its goal is to clarify the meanings of phenomena from lived experiences. In this case scenario the researcher is trying to understand how Mrs. Morgan aboriginal community understand chronic pain. It is descriptive of the individual lived experience. The researcher is expected to set aside personal biases-to bracket them-when engaged with aboriginal community. This research question queries the lived experience (chronic pain) that will allow the reader to identify how Mrs. Morgan perspective about pain influences the finding.

c. In this case scenario the data gathering can consume more time and recourses to find out from Mrs. Morgan community how they deal with chronic pain. In addition, the health care team has no understanding of how this community organized, so that the analysis and interpretation of data may be difficult.

d. The most appropriate method to collect data is interview. The interview may be initiated by asking a broad question such as "describe for me your experience with pain". The interviewer must encourage Mrs. Morgan and her people to elaborate more about their experience with pain and how they manage it? This method is helpful because the interviewer is allowed to further explain the meaning of the question or modify it the way in which the question is asked so that the subject can better understand the question.

The responses rate tends to be quite high in face-to-face interviews. It offers some protection against ambiguous or confusing questions.

Ethnography question:

How do aboriginal community manage chronic pain in order to improve their health status?

A. Anthropology approach is the study of cultural group of people in their natural inhabitant for long period of time. It is originated from biological, social and cultural branches. It is old as the work of Herodotus, the ancient Greek ethnographer. The modern ethnographic tradition is based in cultural anthropology and the works of Malinowski (1922), Mead (1928), and Boas (1948).

B. This method is appropriate because the purpose of ethnographic research is to discover the cultural knowledge that people hold in their minds, how it is used in social interaction and the consequences such engagement may hold. The researcher will try to explore the pain management modalities with group of people who are experiencing particular phenomena, such as pain.

Moreover, the question is asked about life ways or particular pattern of behavior within the social context of aboriginal culture.

C. A good ethnographic research study will require unimmense investment in the researcher's time, because some studies can go on for years, and the researcher needs to be part of the culture or group for all that time. It takes time to build trust with informants in order to facilitate full and honest dialogue. If the researcher collect little data about the subjectthat will lead to false speculation about the behavior pattern. Though large quantities of data may not be handled effectively.

D. Field note is the most appropriate method to collect data. Field notes should be written as soon as possible after leaving the field site to minimize the possibility of forgetting important details. In addition, Data collection techniques include both formal and informal interviewing, often interviewing individuals on several occasions, and participant observation.

Grounded theory question:

How do the members of Mrs. Morgan community experience living with chronic pain patients?

A. The main purpose of ground theory method is to create or find a theory. Grounded Theory is originated from Sociology. This method is used to formulate theory when there is no theory exists or when the existing theory fails to explain a set of situations. It aims to discover main social forces that structure human behavior. This methodology originated by Glaser and Strauss in 1967 with their work on the interactions between health care professionals and dying patients. It is an approach for observing thoroughly at qualitative data focusing at the generation of theories.

B. It is appropriate because its address basic social process. The research question states what will be concentrated and how it will be addressed during the study. It concerned with action and process. It identifies the phenomena (chronic pain) to be studied.

C. Limitations are:

Establishing reliability and validity of approaches and information are difficult because of the subjectivity of the data.

The researcher-induced bias is difficult to prevent.

The result will be highly qualitative which create difficulty to present it in a manner suit the practitioners.

D. The data are collected through interview and through skilled observations of individuals interacting in the social setting. The interview questions should base on the researcher clinical experience. In this case scenario the researcher must first decide what is to be observed and then determine how to ensure that every participant is observed in a similar manner in each instance.

Case study Descriptive concurrent Question:

What issues should Mrs. Morgan be considering in her decision to make changes in the way things done in her community?

A. Case study is ideal when the researched need to explore holistic and in-depth for information. It was first introduced in sociological study in 1829. The recognition of case studies in testing hypotheses has developed only in recent years. One of the areas in which case studies have been gaining popularity is education and in particular educational evaluation. It has been designed to bring details from the viewpoint of the participants using different sources of data. Different types of case study have been explained by Yin (1993) which are exploratory, explanatory, descriptive concurrent, and descriptive retrospective.

B. The research question will attempt to describe a process as it occurs. In this case the researcher attempt to find out the issues and challenges Mrs. Morgan will encounter to make changes in her community. The research question is goinganalysis a social situation over a period of time. It will offer a richness and depth of information about the current situation and decision-making strategies.

C. The limitations of this research methodology are:

The data collected cannot generalize to wider population. It is only useful for Mrs. Morgan and aboriginal community.
It is generally on one person (Mrs. Morgan) that can lead to bias in data collection, which can influence results (reliability).
Time and money consuming to collect and analysis the data

D. There are different and flexible approaches used to collect data for case study methodology. For example, direct observation and interview. The researcher can use observation method to know how people behave and interact while making decision regarding pain management.

In this case scenario, it is preferable to collect information from groups of people rather than from a series of individuals. Focus groups can be useful to obtain certain types of information regarding management of pain.

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Other Subject: What is the meaning of chronic pain management to mrs
Reference No:- TGS0629226

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