1. Define and provide an example of the three aspects of movement as per geographer Tim Cresswell
2. What is slum tourism and how is it connected to urban consumption and authenticity?
3. What is the Mcdonaldization of the World? How does it relate to globalization?
4. Using the film In Sickness and in Wealth describe the connection between stress, control, and health outcomes. How can urban planning affect health and health outcomes? Provide specific examples from the film.
5. Explain why contemporary globalization is often discussed in tandem with neoliberalism. How has the creation of supra-national agencies like the World Bank, IMF and European Union started to diminish national sovereignty?
6. Choose any article, topic, or film from this semester, briefly summarize the main points, and discuss what you learned. What interested you about this topic/piece? What did it teach you about urban anthropology?