Questions -
Q1. Provide an answer to each of the following questions.
(i) Let X and Y be continuous random variables with continuously differentiable CDF FX,Y on all of R2. Define the joint PDF as
fX,Y(X,Y) = ∂2FX,Y(x, y)/∂x∂y, (x, y) ∈ R2.
Show that if X and Y are independent, that is, FX,Y(x, y) = FX(x)FY(y) for all x and y, then fX,Y(x,y) = fX(x)fY(y).
(ii) Let X1, X2, and X3 be independent Normal (1, 2) random variables. Find E[X1 + 3X22 exp(-X3)].
(iii) Let X ∼ Poisson(2) and let Y|X = x ∼ Normal(3x,1 + x2), x ∈ {0, 1, 2, ... }. Find E(Y) and Var(Y).
(iv) For continuous random variables X1 and X2, assume the joint MGF, ψ(t1, t2), is finite in a neighborhood of 0. Show that
E(X1X22) = ∂ψ3(0, 0)/∂t1∂t22.
Q2. Let (X, Y) be a bi-variate random vector with support (0, 1) x (0, 1). Its joint PDF is
fX,Y(x, y) = 1 + a(1 - 2x)(1 - 2y), (x, y) ∈ (0,1) x (0,1) = 0 otherwise
where |α| ≤ 1.
(i) Verify that fX,Y is a valid PDF.
(ii) Find the CDF associated with f. (Hint: Be careful here. You have to handle cases where (x, y) is not in the unit square.)
(iii) Show that X has a marginal Uniform(0, 1) distribution. What about Y?
(iv) Find P(X ≤ Y) when α = 1.
(v) For what value(s) of α are X and Y independent?
(vi) Find Corr(X, Y). [Hint: You might want to compute E(XY).]
(vii) What is the maximum possible value for the correlation across all values of a?
Q3. (i) Show that the moment generating function for the Binomial(n, p) distribution is
ψ(t) = [1 - p +p exp(t)]n.
(Hint: It is helpful to use the fact that every binomial distribution sums to unity across its support.)
(ii) Let yj ∼ Binomial(nj, p) for j = 1,. . . . ,m. Define
W = Y1 + Y2 + · · · + Ym
What is E(W)?
(iii) If the {Yj} are pairwise uncorrelated, what is Var(W)?
(iv) If the {Yj} are independent, what is the distribution of W?
(iv) Now let {Xi : i = 1, . . . , n} be independent Bernoulli(p) random variables. Find the (discrete) joint PDF of (X1, X2, · · · ,Xn).
(v) In the setting of part (iv), let Y = X1 + · · · + Xn. Show that the joint PDF of (X1, . . . ,Xn) given Y = y is
Q4. Let Xj, j = 1, . . . , k denote Bernoulli(pj) random variables such that
X1 + X2 + · · · + Xk = 1.
(i) Explain why this setup can describe situations where one can choose a single option from k exhaustive and mutually exclusive options. How come the Xi cannot be independent?
(ii) Show that it must be the case that p1 + p2 + · · · + pk = 1.
(iii) Derive the k x k variance-covariance matrix of the vector X = (X1, X2, . . . ,Xk)'. [[Hint: First argue that XhXj = 0 when h ≠ j.]
Q5 (i) Let X be an m x 1 random vector with finite second moments, and assume Corr(X) has an equi-correlation structure with common correlation ρ. Use the fact that the correlation matrix R is PSD and study the quadratic form j'mRjm with j'm = ( 1 1 · · · 1 ) to conclude ρ ≥ -(m-1)-1.
(ii) Let Z be an m x 1 random vector with E(Z) = 0 and Var(Z) = Im and define
X = Z - jmZ- = QZ,
where Z- = m-1 j=1∑m Zj and
Q = Im - jm(j'mjm)-1j'm
is the matrix that demeans an m x 1 vector. Show that Corr(X) has an equicorrelation structure with ρ = - (m - 1)-1.