
What is the maximum percentage of income you are required

You are a family of 3 (2 adults, 1 child) with an income of $62,000 living in Westchester at 19 Skyline Drive and are interested in a health plan for the year 2018 and you want a Medical Plan Only (no adult dental). Please use the New York State of Health website, https://www.kff.org/interactive/subsidy-calculator/ to assist you in answering the following questions. (Note use the 2017 poverty guideline because the 2018 guideline has not yet been released)

a) What is the maximum percentage of income you are required to pay for the 2nd lowest cost silver plan in the Exchange? How much is that in dollars per month.

b) How much would you pay per month if you wanted to enroll in MVP’s gold plan (if there are multiple options select the least expensive)?

c) How much would the individual mandate cost be if you elected NOT to purchase health insurance coverage for your family?

d) You and your family are enrolled in the MVP gold plan. Assume during the year you utilize specialist services with costs of service of $800 in January, ED visits with a cost of $2,500 for one visit in April and 4 preferred brand drug prescriptions all from September to December. All of these services are used by you. Your family uses $0 in services during the year. What is the cost sharing (not premium) total for the year? (Note the individual deductible is the only one that applies here)

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Financial Management: What is the maximum percentage of income you are required
Reference No:- TGS02729265

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