
What is the markup percent of cost of services charged on



1. How did Sabrina, Bernadette, and Peter use the tactical decision-making model of Chapter 17 ?

a Categorize each of the expenses for the Basic Care and Lifestyle Care options as flexible or com-mitted. Further categorize the committed expenses as committed fixed or committed step costs.

2. Calculate the break-even number of patients (in total and for each type of reimbursement) for each of the following scenarios:
a. Basic Care option, 20 percent private insurance, and 80 percent Medicaid
b. Basic Care option, no Medicaid
c. Lifestyle Care option, no Medicaid, 75 percent private insurance, and 25 percent private pay
d. Lifestyle Care option, all insurarce reimbursement

4. What is the markup percent of cost of services charged on the assisted.living expenses? What would the price per month for a Basic Care patient be if the same markup were used? For a Life¬style Care patient? (Assume in both cases that occupancy is at 80 percent of capacity.)

5. What is the payback period for the rew addition?

6. Research Assignment: In 1999, Congress passed a law restricting the ability of nursing homes to evict Medicaid patients. What led to the passing of these laws? Why would nursing homes accept Medicaid patients and later evict them? Is eviction of Medicaid patients still a problem? Discuss the legal and ethical issues in a nursing home's decision on whether to accept Medicaid patients.

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Financial Accounting: What is the markup percent of cost of services charged on
Reference No:- TGS02818861

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