
What is the marketing mix and why is it used


Based on Samsung Mobile Phones
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Marketing Mix

o Process - moments of truth? High or low level of involvement?

o People - staff interactions with customers (inseparability, variability; level of involvement)

Macro Environment

o Political trends - laws, regulations, stability, government interventions, barriers to entry/exit etc..- Core Concept of xiaomi

Word count: 1000

Group Situation Analysis Report Structure and Outline:

• Cover Page

• Title Page

• Executive Summary (summarises the whole report) - not included in word count

• Table of Contents - not included in word count

• Introduction to report and company

• Market/Customer Situation:

o Industry and market/product they compete in. Trends in this area. Use ABS.

o Target Markets - use STP theory (what segmentation variables are used, and what is this segments size growth and attractiveness, marketing strategy & positioning)

o Consumer behaviour issues - (like motivation, influencers, buyer decision-making process etc...)

• Marketing Mix Situation:

o What is the marketing mix, why is it used - theory. Overall describe how their marketing mix provides value (with benefits outweighing the costs).

o Product - 3 levels of a product and product offering (goods, service, experience etc.., what needs/wants/demands are fulfilled

o Price - State the pricing strategy (cost-based, competition-based, value-based etc...; price ceiling/price floor. Elasticity of demand)

o Place - physical locations where sold distributed; the distribution channels used; is it traditional or a VMN?

o Promotion - What is the strategy, message & positioning? Does it use traditional marketing or an IMC program? What forms/types/methods of promotion are used?

o Process - moments of truth? High or low level of involvement?

o People - staff interactions with customers (inseparability, variability; level of involvement)

o Physical Evidence - tangibility aspects. Positioning and perceptions.

• Competitive Situation:

o size, strategy, market share, product quality and other considerations that indicate their intentions and behaviours.

o Comparisons between Point of Difference and Point of Parity within the marketing mix, positioning and target markets.

• Macro-environment:

o Demographic trends and its impact on current or potential target markets

o Economic trends and its impact on how and what customer spend, and its effect on sales and the company

o Natural trends - natural forces/disasters, shortages of raw materials, impact of company on the environment

o Political trends - laws, regulations, stability, government interventions, barriers to entry/exit etc..

o Technological trends - new technologies that can/do affect how the company operates in any way (e.g. online banking, manufacturing technologies, security, social media etc...)

o Cultural/social trends - forces that affect how consumers are influenced by society and culture. Include Consumer behaviour theories here (e.g. reference groups, perceptions)

• SWOT Analysis:

o No new information here - it should only be a synthesis of the situation analysis with justification through research or theory

• Conclusion and Recommendations:

o Reiterate the main aspects of the report.

o Provide a rationale for the recommendations using theory (i.e. if you are targeting a new market segment - reapply STP concepts; if you are creating a new product, describe the needs, wants, demands, 3 levels of a product and what the new product offering will be.

• Reference List in APA format - not included in word count

• Appendices (if needed) - not included in word count

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Marketing Management: What is the marketing mix and why is it used
Reference No:- TGS01763558

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