
What is the market value balance sheet for zetatron after

Zetatron is an? all-equity firm with 280 million shares? outstanding, which are currently trading for $13.27 per share. A month? ago, Zetatron announced it will change its capital structure by borrowing ?$621 million in? short-term debt, borrowing $583 million in? long-term debt, and issuing $410 million of preferred stock. The $1,614 million raised by these? issues, plus another $52 million in cash that Zetatron already? has, will be used to repurchase existing shares of stock. The transaction is scheduled to occur today. Assume perfect capital markets.

a. What is the market value balance sheet for Zetatron

i. Before this? transaction?

ii. After the new securities are issued but before the share? repurchase?

iii. After the share? repurchase?

b. At the conclusion of this? transaction, how many shares outstanding will Zetatron? have, and what will the value of those shares? be?

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Financial Management: What is the market value balance sheet for zetatron after
Reference No:- TGS02681713

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