
What is the managerrsquos perspective of leadership how

Organization serves as the conduit in which management or a manager uses to control the organization by systematically aligning people, resources or both in such a way to accomplish a specific objective.

What is the manager’s perspective of leadership? How does it differ from the leader’s perspective? Managers focus on process, procedure, and implementation of the organization’s purpose. A manager's perspective is about getting the job done and keeping stability. The leader is about change and moving workers toward the organization's vision. For a manager, the area of overlap comes in terms of the need to use “soft or people skills” to get the work done. It can be said that the manager motivates while the leader empowers. In the following five quotes each leader is commenting on the perspective of a manager in an organization as opposed to a leader. , how should a manager approach his or her job? What ideas should be their watch words? Think of things like setting goals, making decisions, motivating employees and allocating resources. What mindset should a good manager have to approach these tasks? “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” Peter Drucker "Management is doing the right things the right way (effective and efficiency); Leadership is doing the right things the right way (effective and efficiency) for the right reasons (ethics)." Robert Steiger “Leadership is working with goals and vision; management is working with objectives.” Russell Honore “When a management with a reputation for brilliance tackles a business with a reputation for bad economics, it is the reputation of the business that remains intact.” Warren Buffett “Good management is the art of making problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal with them.” Paul Hawken “Management is nothing more than motivating other people.” Lee Iacocca

Instructions: Section 1. Then demonstrate the APPLICATION of the theory in a work situation that is based on your personal experience. You should provide a "real work" example of the application of this theory and how the 4 functions OF MANAGEMENT work together and are interrelated? If not from an actual work environment, provide the application of this theory from a social, church, family situation; e.g., a family vacation, planning a party, getting your degree, finding a job, buying a house or even a current news situation on management or leadership. As applicable, please make sure that you provide citations in this section of your response.

Section 2.Then, explain the IMPLICATIONS of the application of the management theory (the final outcome or consequence - whether good or bad, successful or unsuccessful, etc.).

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Operation Management: What is the managerrsquos perspective of leadership how
Reference No:- TGS01531567

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