
What is the major research questions or goal of the study


Choose 1 article cited in the Blair and Raver review that you can get full-text access to via the Wilson Library. This assignment requires you to read the assigned article and answer the questions outlined below in your own words. The purpose of the written assignment is to get you thinking about the main points of the paper.You are welcome to work with others in the class but the answers need to be in your own words. Please use as much space as you need for your answers. Please type your answers on this form.

1. What is the major research questions or goal of the study?

2. What is the hypothesis of the study?

3. What methods were used?

4. The major findings were.

5. The authors concluded that.

6. Choose the main figure from the paper that was used as evidence in the blair and raver review and interpret it below (4pt):

7. Analyze how this evidence was used by blair and raver. Was it strong enough to support their conclusions? What are the strengths and limitations of this evidence?

8. The correct apa style reference for this article is:

In the reference i made sure that:

? All authors' last names and first initials are included (see APA manual for 6 or more authors)
? The last two authors' names are separated by an ampersand (&)
? The year is listed.
? Only the first word of the title and the first word after a colon (if present) are capitalized.
? The journal title and volume are italicized.
? The pages are included.
? All of the proper commas and periods are in place.


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Biology: What is the major research questions or goal of the study
Reference No:- TGS01668451

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