
What is the major rationale for instituting a peer services

Assignment task:

1. Mellmis gives 5 rules for recovery: 1) change your life (recovery involves creating a new life where it is easier to not use); 2) be completely honest; 3) ask for help; 4) practice self-care; and 5) don't bend the rules. Expound on what this would mean for you working with a client. How could you check in with them on this? What kind of self-care strategies should they be using? What rules should they be honest about not bending?

2. What is the major rationale for instituting a peer services component to your treatment program? Why are these services an important part of recovery? Refer to the Stage of Change Tool Kit to respond to the questions. Speaking of the kit, what is the biggest takeaway from reading that?

3. Briefly, why are FQHCs an important part of SUD treatment? You can use the Enhancing the COC reading to answer the above question.

4. "The central focus of ROSC is to create an infrastructure or 'system of care? with the resources to effectively address the full range of substance use problems within communities." What's that all about? What does it even mean to you?!

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Other Subject: What is the major rationale for instituting a peer services
Reference No:- TGS03376293

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