
What is the main thesis of the essay what conclusion is


Answer both of the following t wo essay questions , for a minimum of three pages each . These two essays together shoul d total a minimum of six pages and a maximum of eight pages . In writing th ese essay s , please refer specifically to class readings and lectures , including the 2013 Third Edition of The Search for Modern China textbook.

Question 1:

Jonathan Spence mentions a quote by a minority group member in China that reads "A rock does not make a good pillow,, nor a Han Chinese a friend.."" Using the course readings by Frank Dik ö tter,, Dru Gladney, combined with references to the film "TTibet:: Cry of the Snow Lion , " explain the meaning of this quote,, and in doing so describe 1. Th e history of minority relations in China described by Dikotter and Spence ; 2. The manner in which minority groups are depicted in Ch ina , as described by Gladney ; and finally,, using Tibet as a case study,, 3. Examine the nature of the transition from tribute - trade system state to regional minority region in China.. Refer to the readings by Fairbank on the tribute - trade system for additional references in formulating your answer to these questions.


In the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989,, the image of the "tank man"" seemed to encapsulate the popular discontent that had emerged and was increasingly calling for reforms towards democracy.. Using readings by Louisa Lim,, Han Dongfang, the "Readings on the New Authoritarianism,,"" and references to the film "The Gate of Heavenly Peace,,"" describe:

1) The history of the 1989 democracy protests in terms of how they arose,, what they demanded,, and how the government responded;

2) Discuss the debates surrounding discussions of the New Authoritarianism by Wu Jiaxiang and Rong Jian,, and the justifications used to deny the timeliness of democratic reforms , and

3) Discuss the long term implications of the Tiananmen Square protests described by Lim and Osnos in the government's turn away from class struggle to nationalism.

In assessing this midterm,, the following criteria are critical to keep in mind when developing your essays,, and will constitute a rubric for grading these essays::

1. What is the main thesis of the essay?? This should be clearly stated in the first paragraph..

2. What are the main points used to support this thesis?? Provide concrete examples and judiciously use selected quotes from the readings.. Back up all assertions with evidence .

3. What conclusion is reached by considering this evidence?? What does it say about Chinese history??

4. The best essays show strong control o ver the readings and make them speak to each other..

5. Do not use "II"" statements in the essay,, and refrain from casual language or passive voice.

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History: What is the main thesis of the essay what conclusion is
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